Round 5 Author Strategy Lines and Comments

;name H-Bomb b1m
;author Josh Yeager
;strategy A short bombing run followed by a multipass cc.


;name ostest2 (r5)
;author M Joonas Pihlaja
;strategy oneshot
;strategy TOA98CT round5:
;strategy Three instances of ostest2(r5) and one copy of
;strategy Memories

This is a Memories + 3 otest2's setup that should okay against
an all oneshot/clear type opponent.  The otest2s are pretty
nice warriors which can sometimes take the win on it's own
if Memories is down, but is supposed to give in otherwise (at
least in /my/ test cases).  The q^2->vamp guard/join queen
strategy doesn't work for me. :(

;name Memories
;author Beppe Bezzi
;strategy cmp scanner like Iron Gate
;strategy with spl spl jmp bombs and 94 improvements
;strategy v06 changed to sne/seq scan engine
;strategy v a01 spiral clear; v b* c* super clear
;strategy v d08 details


;redcode-94m test
;name Blur Copy
;author Robert Macrae
;assert CORESIZE==8000
;strategy 0.5c scan, 0.25c SPL carpet -> D-clear

After *ages* trying to train a bunch of vampires to co-operate,
I find the result is trashed by -- well, practically everything
I test. In fact my backstop "defensive" warrior wins more
victories than the vampires; not what you would call

So with the clock ticking away, I do what I should have done
first -- throw together some working, conventional warriors
and see what happens.
And the result? Well, as far as I can see a mixed
offense/defence should do best but in practice the best I can
do is four copies of Blur. 

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.


;name Sharkrage A, B, C and D
;author Christian Schmidt
;strategy scanner


;name He scans in a bunch 1
;author Steve Gunnell
;strategy Mini HSA scanner. This copy probably came from
;strategy Nomolos by Ian Oversby.

I tried a lot of things most of which scored zero. This wasted
a lot of time. Finally as a desperate last resort I will
use a bunch of HSAs which at least scored something. *sigh*
To save space I have just sent one copy of the code. The other
three are identical.


Hmm...good 'ol WFB gets last place again, I guess.  I'm not sure today's
the due date, but I believe I saw the 21st written somewhere...if I've
got more time, please tell me so I can work out something good.  My
strategy is, in theory...well, not good.  I guess that explains the test
results.  Whatever.  I try to have one warrior to bombard the place
(Diamond, my Blue-Funk copy, no imps), one to survive (ImpToad3), and 2
to take out imps.  Augh!  I can't kill your Implication fast enough! 
HSA works, except my paper is so bad that it can't survive HSA, even
with all the other warriors in the core.  So, my best bet would've been
to replace the paper with a scanner (maybe...).  Unfourtuntly, my
scanners aren't really scaners...more kinda large piles of scrap that
just sit there.  Anyways, I ended up with these warriors-

D-clear (again)

Please notice d-clear as being entered twice...4 warriors not 3.  So,
that's it.  Yay.  Thanks.  Ciao.

;name Diamond
;author WFB
;strategy Bomber based on Blue Funk.  I'm making it mainly for a p-spacer...
;stratey I hope it isn't too much of a copy...

;redcode-b test
;name ImpToad3
;author WFB
;strategy paper/imp

;name d-clear
;author bjoern guenzel
;strategy clear (no scanning)