[08:35] Join: Mike joined #corewars [08:36] Join: brx_ joined #corewars [08:36] Hello [08:37] Part: Mike left #corewars [08:37] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [09:46] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [09:54] Join: Roy joined #corewars [09:54] hi Roy [09:55] Hi Mizcu [09:55] Damn, Nenad was faster then me :) I just send MICE to fight Dwarf for the hill [10:01] This certainly is an annoying situation.. I have nothing in my mind that i could actually get on the hill. Of course i could just get warrior X and optimax the hell out of it, but that just wouldnt be nice [10:01] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [10:07] Of course i have my stone/cc-paper, but i dont think i really would like to send it to Koth, too unoriginal [10:08] You could try making a scanner, very hard to do, but easiest to be original [10:09] And while this weirdo-paper has interesting position in score-maps, it wont work as stand-alone and together it would be a bit too weak.. [10:09] I already made a scanner some time ago, it misses Koth by 5-10 points, and there is nothing i can improve in it anymore. [10:11] yes. [10:11] tried it too about the same time as mizcu [10:11] was last on 94nop, no chance to stay on the hill [10:11] still koth on 94b [10:11] * brx_ sighs [10:12] Static Void wasnt aggressive enough to stay on 'Nop, and i dont want to rebuild it with d-clear or something like anytime soon. [10:16] Well, just be creative.. paper+ssd clear seems to work (Eccetric) [10:17] I've thought hopper+ssdclear, but it wouldnt work [10:18] Because if you have pattern that will fill complete core, clear will sooner or later hit the hopper/paper. This can most probably evaded with a right pattern, but that would be quite wide pattern and the hop/pap would "loop" in its place [10:23] * Roy is leaving and waves [10:23] MSG: [11:18] grr [11:21] Adding mael's wonder imp-launcher gave nice score-boost, but the anti-imp ability dropped too low for my taste [11:22] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [11:22] hi Nenad [11:22] Hi Miz [11:23] Join: Roy joined #corewars [11:23] back [11:23] Mizcu: any progress with the s/p? [11:23] Hi Roy! [11:23] Hi Nenad [11:24] Congrats on Jotun, scores better now [11:25] thanks. I hope that it will live longer, too [11:25] It probebly will [11:25] Nenad: dumped it, now testing certain type of paper i developed some time ago (no big change) [11:26] heh. I almost killed BlackKnight... I was a point short of entering... back to optimax.. [11:27] 94draft hill looks funny... the bottom of the hill is only 119.. [11:31] Maybe time for new and improved pwarriors [11:32] too many ties. new good scanners are required [11:32] and some more aggressive pstrategies [11:33] there are only 4 pspacers on 94 hill at the moment [11:34] Artabmoc, Bulldozed, Evening Breeze and Sunrise 06 [11:34] Ad look at the positions of the first 3.. [11:34] yes - they seem to be doing great now... [11:40] Roy: why don't you send Halcyon to 94draft? [11:40] hmm I could.. [11:48] Join: Mike joined #corewars [11:48] Hello [11:48] Hi Mike [11:49] hi Mike [11:50] heh. my paper did fine on both hills [11:50] Yeah, killed Black Knight though :( [11:51] it was the paper from Starfall... but scores better than the s/p at the moment.. weird. [11:53] hehe [11:58] Roy: did you make something for this rf round? [11:58] Well, not make anything in particular, but I'll send in something hacked quickly [11:58] Have some ideas [11:59] me too :). some ideas... but I'm not sure if it'll work [11:59] basically, I'll send pspacers that'll launch different strategies based on the number of opponents [11:59] That is hard to make.. [12:01] well, my second entry will probably be simpler - just in case that pspacing proves to be the wrong approach - probably a paper with steps calculated according to coresize [12:01] Yeah, it a paper works at 4k it also does pretty well on 4k*N [12:02] hopefully :) [12:03] I'm not sure how many people will submit theor warriors. that estimate would also be helpful. I don't think that there will be that many players this time. [12:03] MSG: [12:03] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [12:03] Hmm, no idea, I think about 10 warriors (aka 5 players) [12:04] maybe... when the round was announced, I first thought that there will be ~ 10 players [12:08] I have to go now - I'll probably be back tonight. [12:08] * Nenad waves [12:09] MSG: [12:22] Join: Jens joined #corewars [12:22] :) [12:23] What happend to the hill? Where is Black Knight? [12:23] Hi jens [12:23] * Roy blames Nenad [12:23] 13 just_a_paper_test [12:23] 8 Jotunheim2 [12:25] So many papers :( [12:25] But at least HFB turned 30 [12:28] Yes, many papers.. [12:28] Time for new scanners, especialy now all the stone/imps get killed [12:28] Oneshots and new scanners (oneshots against the sp's) [12:30] and still, all I make is papers :-( [12:39] KryneLamiya is going very strong again btw.. especialy if Triortum is pushed off [12:49] Hmm ... maybe I should optimize Crazy Fluffy Bunny a little bit. It would be my first scanner on the hill [12:50] I'm thinking of revising Recon 2, its a good scoring scanner and nothing like it is on the hill... there is always something to change/improve [12:52] Crazy Fluffy Bunny didn't make it.. [12:53] That's why I should optimize it. It is just a quick hack [12:54] Ah k [13:12] ouch [13:14] what happened to crazy? [13:15] Bad constants [13:21] Hmm ... if you take a paper (without boot) + qscan, it seems, that you can optimize the paper independantly from the qscan. I would have never suspected that. [13:27] I think I can get xeper on the hill :) [13:27] first something else tough [13:27] +h [13:33] Hey, thanks Jens, I'm king on the draft hill now :) [13:35] Send a dat and you won't ;-) [13:35] I know, but that doesn't matter ;) [13:37] Altough it is too late to change anything for the koth.org-hills, I would have found it better, if the scores for 1-20 didn't depend on the score of 21. That way you could compare the results better [13:38] But that way its harder to see if you where close to entering the hill.. [13:38] But now you are koth now, Roy :) Congrats [13:40] But I will replace Fluffy Paper IIa soon, because it is just a test warrior for my next text about qscans. [13:40] I would have never expected it to enter any hill [13:46] brx_: what else? [13:52] Jens: a stone [14:21] It is quite hard, given that there are so many papers on the hill [14:22] Stone+sd clear works well, you could try that [14:32] ok, send my scanner again [14:32] my odd stupid scanner, that ties in a selffight :P [14:32] no, it ties without any enemy, but if it finds something it won't tie [14:33] so in a selffight it should still get 50/50 wins/losses [14:37] Good luck :) [14:39] No, not good enough... but well, its my first scanner from scratch! with a new kind of Zooomtrick [14:40] 10 lines and its a complete zoom-blur scanner [14:40] But it needs a good scanstep, which I cant give it/find [14:43] MSG: [15:03] Hi [15:05] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [15:08] Hi Nenad [15:08] Hi [15:11] I am going to make a Corewar website [15:12] Part: Mike left #corewars [16:06] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [16:08] MSG: Quit: Lost terminal [16:09] Hi Core29 [16:09] didnt notice you here, hi Nenad [16:09] Hi Mizcu [16:10] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [16:34] I think i am starting to understand.. [16:34] ? [16:35] Why this paper has a bit touchy anti-imp properties [16:35] Join: willvarfa joined #corewars [16:35] evening all [16:35] hi Will [16:35] hi will [16:36] Mizcu: what is your paper like? [16:37] I wont reveal it for now, lets just say that it is somewhat similiar to Reepi/Npaper2, but more aggressive without changing the structure (much) [16:40] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [16:41] Join: brx joined #corewars [16:44] ... I've just finished my rf24 entries... probably won't score well, though. haven't had the time to make something sofisticated [16:45] Mizcu: do you intend to use it in a s/p or as a pure paper [16:45] Join: sf joined #corewars [16:45] Hello [16:45] hi sf [16:45] 132.28.. not bad for a paper from time when logs were still upkept by Jakub.. (offtopic, ignore) [16:45] Nenad: dont really know how i should use it [16:46] 132,28? against what? [16:46] fshnop, that is different paper from what i am currently experimenting with [16:47] you should probably wait a little before submiting - the hill is full of papers and s/p's now [16:47] it'll score better with some more s/i's and scanners on the hill [16:48] It was submitted the long time ago once, i've just kept it because i am fond of the paper(imp) [16:49] :). I am very fond of oneshots, although it's tricky to make them durable [16:49] btw, KryneLamiya is now KOTH on both 94 and 94nop hill :) [16:50] hi =) [16:50] why did you give up on that s/p that you were testing? [16:50] hi Core29 [16:50] Pushed off another hill :-( [16:51] Nenad: lacked the results i was hoping for. Its balancing went over my head. [16:51] Core29: are you working on some new warriors now? [16:52] Mizcu: where did it lose most of its points? [16:53] nah.. I still have to get really started with CW...I'm a physician in a hospital...and didn't have enough time yet... [16:53] (Besides, scoring 141 against wilfiz with a plain paper/imp is not a weak task, which is one reason i kept the old-one..) [16:53] though #corewars is in my trillian autoconnect =) [16:53] Nenad: 7 worst losses were all against oneshots [16:53] during my next holiday I'll give it another try [16:54] I played with it several years ago on my amiga [16:54] Yes, ive optimized using anti-os approach, it scored on average 20-30 points worse against all before reoptimization [16:54] I think it was '88 rules then... [16:55] Mizcu: if a s/p can't do well against oneshots it is mostly because of the stone [16:56] I've noticed that StaticVoid isn't very good against oneshots... it wins, but doesn't win much [16:56] I am not going to change the stone. Why? The stone is from Static, and so far it is has the best step-combination ive found [16:56] does it have a djn stream? [16:57] It might benefit from devilish-style stone however [16:57] Nenad: yes [17:09] sudden silence.. [17:09] * sf is working [17:11] * Nenad is back now [17:15] *sigh* [17:16] I was silent for a moment cause I've been looking at the hills and thinking what to code next :). I'll probably optimax some more 94nop and then try tinylp ... it was some time since I last made a tinylp warrior [17:18] Paper doesnt kill enough S/I's compared to CC-paper, and so is not efficient enough to combine with stone-like component.. And i dont know about combining with Moore-paper [17:19] you think that ccpaper is better? I'm not sure [17:19] my best antiimp papers were not cc [17:19] Maelstrom = CC-paper + bombing P/I [17:20] Adding another paper will weaken the anti-impish paper further, unless it is another anti-i paper [17:20] And that would be just creating more weaknesses against Moore's [17:20] cc papers are a big risk, because of Moore style papers... [17:21] Wallpaper vs WaterDragon : 19% 54% 27% [17:22] and Waterdragon is a s/p, not even a pure Moore-style [17:23] there are good antiimp papers that are not cc... [17:28] I've got to go now. see you later. [17:28] * Nenad waves [17:28] * sf waves [17:28] MSG: [17:35] MSG: Quit: Bersirc 2.2, for external use only. [ http://www.bersirc.org/ - Open Source IRC ] [17:36] Part: Core29 left #corewars [18:07] MSG: Quit: Leaving [19:18] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [19:18] hi [19:20] * Fizmo strikes back on the hill [19:21] hi Fiz [19:21] hi Miz [19:22] cool, be with my new warrior 3rd on 94nop, and I am still in progress to optimize it [19:24] I am in a mood to either give up with the paper or turn it into a team-effort.. [19:26] what kind of paper? [19:26] see logs of past 3 days [19:29] paper.png looks quite funny [19:33] (Its a Moore-paper with a mov add -bombing) [19:33] (the .png, not current paper) [19:35] sounds like a quite curious paper [19:35] did you combine it with another paper? [19:35] i didnt have the result i was hoping for with it [19:36] As 6-process Moore has only 1 line for bombing, and while 8-process has the lines for it, the replication gets too slow [19:37] yes, that's true. So you have big problems with scanner I guess [19:37] maybe combine it with a stone or silk-dwarfs or imps [19:39] I have been in a little overdrive with paper for few days, but with little acceptable results [19:41] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [19:43] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [19:45] hmm, I think Moore paper are only good when combined with stone. I also had mediocre success if combined with a silk-dwarf [19:46] but as stand alone it's too weak against all type of scanner [19:56] what about an add.a #blah, pNext? [19:58] hmm, should be worth a try [20:04] Hi Fizmo! [20:06] Hehe ... look, who is in the top 3 now. [20:06] "The Round of Berlin" ;-) [20:08] ... and Arrow is now in the Top 20. Congrats :) [20:13] Hi Jens! [20:13] thanks :) [20:14] Mandragora scores really nice. Better than expected, even if it is now at 128 pts against my 94nop fsh [20:14] but heavily optimized against pap and pws [20:15] Heh, the Berlin connection strikes the 94nop :) [20:16] I guess it's the first time that the top 3 warriors of a hill is occupied by play from the same city [20:16] player EQU play [20:20] still there Jens? [20:33] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [20:33] Hi [20:33] hi [20:34] congrats on Mandragira - scores pretty well [20:34] *i=o [20:34] thanks :) [20:35] is HerImpertinent majesty hsaish? [20:35] yes [20:37] a little surprising that mandragora loses that much to an hsaish scanner. digitalis should be good against them, right? [20:38] because it uses a sd-clear which is slower than a d-clear, even if the imp-launcher pumps processes in it [20:38] Digitalis also has a much smaller "fingerprint" [20:39] But I am working on it ;-) [20:39] :) [20:40] It's actually also exclusively optimized against pap:pws :-P [20:40] well, I guess I'll have to try sybmiting some hsaish scanners, then :) [20:41] I'll be back in a minute. [20:41] heh, go ahead ;-) [20:41] Part: Nenad left #corewars [20:41] * Jens is back again [20:42] wb [20:42] We'd better call it the "Berlin Connection" ;-) [20:42] heh, yes :) [20:42] el kaukas Vamp is really in a good shape [20:43] :) [20:43] I guess it's the first time since many, many years that a vamp was ranked to good [20:43] Let's hope it stays that way for a while [20:44] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [20:45] I always like to test new successfull hill warriors against some basic opponents. [20:46] I've sent some hsaish scanners now, although I doubt that any of them will enter [20:46] Good luck [20:46] no need for luck - I just want to see how big is mandragora's weakness [20:46] to be able to exploit it later [20:47] very big against scn warriors :-/ [20:47] against cds decent [20:47] against clr fairly good [20:48] both Triortum and Mandragora hurt my oneshot, and they can both be fought with scn, so I'll probably work on that next :) [20:48] Yay, elkauka is koth :) [20:49] :) [20:49] congrats el kauka (if you read the logs) [20:50] btw, this is a little funny: [20:50] Dwarf wins: 95 [20:50] Arrow wins: 93 [20:50] Ties: 62 [20:50] [20:50] well, mod 5 dwarf, but it's interesting anyway [20:51] no boot, no decoy, just step = 3315 usual dwarf [20:51] also this: [20:51] Dwarf wins: 169 [20:51] Her Impertinent Majesty wins: 72 [20:51] Ties: 9 [20:51] [20:51] and this: [20:51] Dwarf wins: 132 [20:51] vamps are back 0.2 wins: 79 [20:51] Ties: 39 [20:51] [20:51] I was very surprised... [20:52] hmm [20:53] how can something so slow as a dwarf - 0,33c hurt Arrow? [20:53] the bomb is not even separated from the body... [20:53] Backup-plan in case of fast stone? [20:59] Nenad: thanks for aging the hill ;-) [20:59] I think that Arrow simply doesn't like 3315... everything that uses it, and that I've tried in the past hurts it. [20:59] :) no problem [20:59] I'll try aging it some more [21:01] btw, sorry about Black Knight. It appeared to be invincible for some time, like Maelstrom, but there were simply too many papers on the hill and not enough scanners to feed on. But you still have Arrow :) [21:02] wow. 8th?! with that hsaish scanner... interesting... [21:03] and Triortum's gone... [21:04] it surprises me that all these unoptimized hsa scanners hurt HerImpertinentMajesty... [21:04] is it 0,75 or 0,66c? [21:07] No problem with Black Knight. I didn't expected that it will stay so long on the hill [21:08] I still posted the code on r.g.c. ;-) [21:09] 0.66c [21:09] argh ... what have you done to HFB [21:10] Join: Core29_ joined #corewars [21:10] ups, wrong it's 0.75c ;-) [21:12] :) so, something like clockwork [21:13] nop ;-) [21:14] Mischief? [21:15] a Recon 2 like scanner [21:15] oh :) [21:15] btw, did you submit your rf24 entries? [21:16] not yet [21:16] well, isn't tonight the deadline? [21:16] yes [21:17] but he is accepting submissions until Sunday [21:17] Jens: how about you? [21:17] submited some papers? [21:18] I have sent one warrior [21:19] Fizmo: any info on when is the next corewarrior issue going to happen? [21:19] Nenad, I though I could sleep quite well tonight, but now it seems, that HFB will soon die :( [21:19] it won't... [21:20] how do you know [21:20] those scanners will die soon [21:20] and then it'll be ok. [21:20] once (if) mandragora falls, they lose their source of food and they die at the next serious challenge [21:20] That would be fine. Altough HFB is now twice as old as my oldest warrior so far, I really would like it to become way older [21:21] well, we would all like to be immortal :) [21:22] For my part it would be enough, when it would live about 2600 successful challenges ;-) [21:22] I will be satisfied if KryneLamiya achieves 200+ for now... [21:23] You should alway aim high, thay way you won't be surprised, if it scores beyond your best dreams :) [21:23] :) [21:24] then you will love this quote: [21:24] "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you will land among the stars" [21:24] by Eugen Kleiner [21:25] That's definitly true :) [21:26] well, looks like I have to make some adjustments to my scanners if I want them to do enough damage... but Starfall reached 100 and that's definitely nice :) [21:26] my 3rd 94nop hof warrior [21:26] MSG: Quit: humhum [21:26] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [21:28] Nenad: :) [21:29] ... and Fizmo is almost 19th with Arrow [21:30] :) [21:30] It seems to me that there is almost a free slot on 94nop :-P [21:30] just give it a chance for another of warrior of mine ;-) [21:31] actually, I'm sending one in half a minute [21:31] :) [21:34] well, that was a bad score. [21:35] for such a good band, you could have done better [21:35] they certainly play better than that [21:35] :) [21:35] hmm, well. It was some time ago my best stone/paper :-/ [21:35] I should re-optimize it [21:36] well, Borgir is better... [21:36] but the music is really nice of SA [21:36] But SA uses a ccpaper with separate stone [21:36] not a Moore-style paper [21:37] ... most of my new s/p's don't use Moore-style... [21:37] so, was it something like Wallpaper? [21:42] Arctica, which is basically similar to Wallpaper [21:43] yes. Arctica is a nice warrior... [21:43] hmm, there seems one scanner too much for Mandragora :-/ [21:43] it looks it won't survive long [21:44] I wonder... I should probably send the WaterDragon to C.Birk now ... I wonder how much better will it score on the Koenigstuhl now. [21:48] ok, last try for today to assist Mandragora a bit ;-) [21:49] you're too late [21:49] (I hope) [21:49] why? [21:49] one hsaish is first in the queue [21:49] but it may fail :) [21:50] This is a hill-aging-party :) [21:50] You should do that more often. [21:52] I couldn't agree more. :) [21:53] you should join. send something [21:53] heh, Nenad is a good animator for that ;-) [21:54] phew, it didn't made it [21:54] :( close [21:54] watch now my hsa-ish killaaa [21:54] you'll kill your majesty... [21:54] (as far as I remember....) [21:55] I don't think so ;-) [21:55] ... so, I'll have to kill the hsaish killer first, and then continue with hsaish scanners :) [21:55] sounds like fun [21:57] will be very tricky [21:57] well, that wasn't so bad... [21:57] because there aren't much which could defeat that [21:57] Fizmo, you should age the hill a little bit further. With 606 you are 18th with Arrow. [21:57] ... will be ... [21:58] heh ;-) [21:58] well, Mooncake isn't high on the hill [21:58] Fizmo: Sending a dat won't help ;-) [21:58] I can simply kill all of my hsaish army, then kill Mooncake, and then switch back to hsaish :) [21:59] lol [21:59] I expected it to be higher on the hill, since it has a lot of food [21:59] but Jotunheim likes it very much [21:59] And replacing your warrior with a-imps would be fine, too, Nenand :) [21:59] *your warriors [21:59] I'm not trying to feed your fluffy bunny :) [21:59] Yes, Jotunheim scores nicely [21:59] Damn, that was too obvious ;-) [22:00] I guess it uses the clear of Standing on Giant, right? [22:00] that's why it's name is Jotunheim [22:00] the home of giants [22:01] it is an interbreed between SOG nad KryneLamiya [22:01] *and [22:02] yeah, that are one of the few things which can hurt Mooncake [22:02] well, KL isn't complaining about it, and it uses a normal clear [22:03] KL is really nice [22:04] well, the masterplan is in action... the replacement of EasternLight... [22:05] with slightly modified Jotunheim... :) that should weaken the Mooncake enough to be pushed off in the next strike [22:06] Hey, how can you do that. I want to get some sleep. And now you are keeping my blood presure high with sending new warriors. [22:06] It is most unfair ;-) [22:07] well, become nosferatu and sllep by day [22:07] :) [22:07] *sleep [22:09] That would be difficult. The morning sun is sth. like a drug to me [22:09] then cover the windows with something [22:09] ? [22:10] or simply throw a couple of DATs on the sun [22:10] I'm addicted to the sun. [22:10] And if I would throw sth., it sould be splits [22:10] hmm... it is actually a little better than J2, it seems... [22:10] *would [22:11] 4 points with such a small change... [22:11] this proves that I should probably optimax some of my oneshots [22:11] never tried that before [22:13] Nenad, you've said, replacing Eastern Light is your first step. When comes the next? [22:13] well, I've first sent a dat to inspect the situation [22:13] :) [22:14] then I'll make the next challenge by another modified version of J2 ... a nice opportunity for me to test some things and see which version scores the best. [22:15] :) [22:15] but it would be a problem if HerImpertinentMajesty died insted of Mooncake... I don't want to kill a friendly hsaish scanner :) [22:16] so, I'll have to take a look at the score table first [22:16] Borgir is also in a bad state [22:17] and quite vulnerable to oneshots [22:17] I don't want to kill 2 400+ warriors in the same day [22:17] that would be a little too much :) [22:18] heh, I think I am soon off [22:18] well, it seems that Mooncake is going to fall off first. [22:18] We could continue the cw hill party on another day [22:19] second switch sent... [22:20] but we should definitely organize more of these parties :) [22:20] Please give Mandragora just a few more days. I really want to agonize stone/papers a bit more ;-) [22:20] and invite Roy and JM [22:20] well, if you optimize it so that it scores better and hurts KL less, I'll be fine with that :) [22:21] but I have to attack this version [22:21] agonizing s/p's is fine with me [22:21] well, KL is still in a good shape ;-) [22:22] you should replace J2 by first_switch [22:22] it scores devinately better [22:22] I will. [22:22] although I wasn't expecting it. [22:22] it seems that the trick from KL works in J2, too :) [22:24] Mandragora is temporarily KOTH :) [22:24] A lot of people will get tomorrow a ton of mails from koth... [22:24] thanks :-) [22:25] is there a @rename option at KOTH? [22:25] or must I resubmit under a new name? [22:25] ok, I gotta go now. I'll have tomorrow morning look what you've done Nenad [22:25] * Jens waves [22:25] ok, bye [22:25] * Nenad waves [22:25] * Fizmo waves [22:25] MSG: [22:25] well, back to hill aging it seems [22:25] I think, you must kill the old warrior and submit a new one [22:26] Jens: I think so, too [22:26] :( [22:26] but that should be changed. [22:26] go on ... I've never had such an old warrior on 94nop [22:28] This morning HFB was only 26 challenges old, now it is already 45 :) [22:28] err ... yesterday morning [22:29] :) [22:30] I'll first switch back the two weaker versions, then "rename" the first switch and then try to kill Mandragora [22:30] so, you'll get at least 3 more age points [22:30] 4 if I'm lucky [22:30] Is there a special reason to kill Mandragora? [22:31] KL, nothing more... it scores 10 110 130, which is really bad [22:31] Digitalis, the father of Mandragora was designed to annoy oneshots [22:31] and it does [22:31] Maybe you want to rename KL, too ;-) [22:32] no :) [22:32] but you'll age even more than those 4 points anyway [22:32] hsaish scanners are very weak [22:32] once mandragora dies, all of them are dead meat. [22:32] so you'll get at least age 4 when they are killed [22:33] :) [22:33] you'll certainly have a 50+ warrior [22:33] I could kill HFB first [22:33] ;-) [22:34] kill them with imps [22:34] a-imps :) [22:34] Did I mention this before? [22:34] ;-) [22:35] Roy will kill me once he opens 100 messages in his mail client [22:35] HullabaTwo will be aged, too [22:35] I don't think, he'll kill you [22:38] Hell just revenge with same [22:38] :) more hill aging... not a bad revenge [22:39] Yes, you should do that more often. Maybe we'll have another SoV by the end of the year [22:39] well, Roy did send something based on SoV... [22:39] MiV [22:40] You could kill that, too [22:41] But you should also think about JM. He has to add a lot of logs tomorrow [22:41] :). yes. it would be meaningful to update hof now [22:41] Maybe you'll have two new enemies then [22:43] Nenad: How about better names ... like "NorthWestern Light, that is a little bit Southern, too" [22:43] Nice name, isn't it? [22:43] :) [22:43] but too long :( [22:43] but wouldn't fit in... it is too long. [22:43] yes :( [22:44] the limits on names should be lifted a little [22:44] I think, we would have a lot of more fun, if the lenght-limit wouldn't be there [22:44] ... or set to sth. more acceptable like 64 [22:44] How cares about the information about the strategy. THE NAME IS IMPORTANT. [22:45] *Who [22:46] hmm ... HFB is now 13th. No good :( [22:48] Join: sascha joined #corewars [22:48] hmm... this won't be easy... [22:48] hi sascha [22:48] Hi Sascha! [22:48] Got your email [22:48] Hi, crowd here late at night [22:49] Jens: two email will follow..arround 6 mb, sorry... [22:49] It is ok [22:49] as long as it is not more than 100 MB [22:49] ...1000MB [22:50] I'm already sleeping [22:51] Time to do it properly... the sleep-thingy [22:51] Oh no, when i have to send 1000mb i will ask for your address, burn it on CD and will send it by postal service. That would be faster...( 20 times or so ) [22:51] :) [22:52] Now that "Beat this" is gone i have to think about my next warrior...Any ideas ? [22:52] a scanner [22:52] cds [22:52] "Beat that"? [22:52] the hill needs some [22:52] ;-) [22:52] zoom trick [22:52] Yes, cds would be a good idea. [22:52] Uhm, scanners - i never have made a good scanner.. [22:53] How about a stone with a-imps ;-) [22:53] too much paper on the hill.. [22:53] then a-imps with a stone [22:54] that'S it [22:54] clear/imp? [22:54] well, you could try a vamp. elkauka's is doing very nice [22:55] A lot of papers aren't that good against clears [22:55] Jens: the clear imp is about to die now, so... [22:55] why? [22:55] by the way, good name, Nenad :) [22:57] A lot of people have said, that vamps are about to die, too, but now we have elkauka's warrior [22:58] Fizmo won't like, that you've kill HIM [22:58] err .. Her Impertitent Majesty [22:58] *killed [22:58] yes... collateral damage [22:59] that wasn't the target [22:59] "Rapatessa roiskuu", as we say in Finland [22:59] I'll have to aim again.. [22:59] "kolateralna steta" in serbian [23:00] I fear, when I'll wake up today, the 94nop will be filled with your warriors, Nenad. [23:01] ... and HFB is dead :( [23:01] :). "the dream of a dead fluffy bunny" - is that a part of german folklor [23:01] ? [23:02] Don't think so. [23:02] Ich hatte keine solche traume. [23:06] * Jens is going to bet some sleep [23:07] bye [23:07] Part: Jens left #corewars [23:07] * Nenad waves to Jens [23:08] * sascha waves [23:08] too late [23:08] ok, sleeptime in germany... cu [23:08] Part: sascha left #corewars [23:08] * Nenad waves to sascha. [23:09] MSG: [23:54] MSG: Quit: humhum