[10:03] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [10:30] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [10:40] no brx [10:58] Join: michal joined #corewars [11:36] Join: caesar joined #corewars [13:24] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [13:24] :) [13:25] hallo~ [13:25] fluffy [13:54] Part: caesar left #corewars [14:12] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [14:12] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [14:14] * datagram is way too tired >< [14:16] Hi Nenad! [14:16] What does your oneshot-tutorial make? [14:16] HI [14:16] ? [14:16] Nick Change: Fluffy changed nick to Jens [14:17] how do you mean make? [14:17] err ... bad English ... [14:17] when will it be done, you meant? [14:17] Is it ready? [14:17] not yet. [14:17] :( [14:18] this tournament comes first [14:18] Still waitin for some test warriors to be sent to 94nop. HFB needs to become older :) [14:18] Yesterday I sent my entry to Fizmo [14:18] well, I've sent FearIsTheName to 94nop some time ago... [14:18] you've sent your entry to Fizmo? [14:18] already? [14:19] yes [14:19] you should've optimized it a little more, I think [14:19] I have a good chance to win: 50 % [14:19] ;-) [14:19] Neogryzor will [14:19] Either I loose or I don't [14:19] (optimize) [14:19] I've already optimized it [14:19] Didn't you see yesterdays scores? [14:19] I still haven't mine [14:20] although it's basically done [14:20] yesterdays scores? [14:20] I've beaten the s**** out of Simon's warrior ;-) [14:20] :) [14:20] well, S.W. isn't that active anymore [14:20] He's sent his warrior to Fizmo, too [14:20] I think that I make better oneshots now than he does:) [14:21] and Fizmo let them fight [14:21] he can't resubmit now, right [14:22] so, you've made an s/i ... [14:22] If you say so, I must have done it [14:22] I thought you were going to make a paper, though... [14:22] too bad. I would like to see FluffySomething3800 [14:23] That wouldn't score well [14:23] why are you so sure? [14:23] all that has to happen is someone submits afield imps [14:23] I know how to choose names, that will make sure, I win :) [14:24] heh. [14:24] "Evidence of Inability" has a chance to win of 138.3% :) [14:24] It will even win, if it doesn't fight any warrior ;-) [14:25] if that's what you're counting on, it will win for sure [14:25] Yes and because nobody would have thought me submitting a s/i [14:25] I would [14:25] and have thought that you might [14:25] Maybe it is a spiral with a qscan [14:26] or an imp :) [14:26] it would be too predictable that you submit a paper :). besides, papers tie too much [14:26] :) [14:26] I don't need to win! [14:26] well, I never said that you will :) [14:27] you'd have to face Roy eventually [14:27] and fight 3800 Hullastrom [14:27] No, I've poked in both of his eyes. He has no longer the ability to submit warriors [14:28] on the other hand, if it is predictable that you submit a paper, you might just do it because no one would believe that you might do it :) [14:28] so, there's no way to tell what anyone is going to do [14:28] That would be another possibility :) [14:29] We should bet on what kind of warrior is submitted by the authors [14:29] if you try to predict ones strategy, you would find yourself running in circles [14:29] so all you need to do is to make a good warrior and hope that it'll do ok [14:29] No, all you have to do, is to find a good name [14:30] that too :) [14:30] EoI is just an imp with a good name, but it'll win nonetheless :) [14:30] if I was in you group, I would probably name a warrior KillJens'sWarriors [14:30] and you would lose [14:30] or JensBane [14:30] Maybe you should first learn how to use spaces ;-) [14:31] maybe :) [14:31] How about submitting a warrior, that let's pmars crash [14:31] :) [14:31] a better idea [14:32] submit a warrior that makes someone win in your group by default [14:32] brx, for example [14:32] and bet on him [14:32] before the battles [14:32] and win someone's code [14:32] :) [14:32] There is already a way to do that [14:32] ;I_am_John_Metcalf [14:32] Use that and you will win immediately [14:32] ;-) [14:32] no, that wouldn't win [14:33] I'm sure [14:33] * Jens is away for a while .... [14:33] Nick Change: Jens changed nick to Fluffy [14:38] Join: Roy joined #corewars [14:38] * Roy just finished 3800 Hulla2strom2 [14:39] Hi Roy [14:39] Part: michal left #corewars [15:13] Join: brx joined #corewars [15:13] hi brx [15:16] well, I need to go now. [15:16] * Nenad waves [15:16] MSG: [15:18] * Roy returns... too late [15:18] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [15:22] Join: brx joined #corewars [15:26] Join: brx_ joined #corewars [15:27] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [15:37] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [15:40] Join: brx joined #corewars [15:40] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [15:44] MSG: [15:45] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [15:53] Join: brx joined #corewars [15:55] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [15:57] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [15:59] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [16:11] Join: michal joined #corewars [16:43] Join: brx joined #corewars [16:44] test [16:47] **ck this [16:51] Join: brx_ joined #corewars [16:52] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [16:55] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [16:55] Nick Change: brx_ changed nick to brx [17:00] * Fluffy is back ... [17:00] Nick Change: Fluffy changed nick to Jens [17:01] Part: Core29 left #corewars [17:06] Join: sf joined #corewars [17:06] Hi all [17:07] Join: Puffy joined #corewars [17:07] Nick Change: Puffy changed nick to Roy [17:08] Hi Roy! [17:08] Hi sf! [17:08] hello [17:08] Have you both made your entries now? [17:09] I have a entry, but I'm trying to improve it little by little [17:09] I sent mine yesterday to Fizmo [17:10] hello sf :) [17:12] Have you made your entry yet brx? :) [17:13] well. I have an entry to send in. I didn't have the nerve to make a benchmark though, so it probably sucks. [17:13] I can test it for you if you like [17:14] yes. that sounds like a very good idea. [17:14] Just email it to me [17:14] email addresse? [17:15] [17:16] okay, wait a moment [17:17] sorry, logging into gmail takes a while... inet connection is bad again [17:17] :) [17:17] You ought to try logging into rock.com! [17:18] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [17:19] New mail, just reading [17:19] it's not from me [17:20] I have not yet managed to log into my account [17:20] sf: I will just paste it into irc [17:20] msg [17:22] sf: are you testing it? [17:22] Testing now [17:26] * brx waits [17:26] I think my benchmark is giving funny results [17:26] None of mine score like that [17:27] what do you mean? [17:29] MSG: [18:02] Part: Jens left #corewars [18:05] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [18:22] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [18:22] hi [18:22] Hi fimzo [18:22] ...Fizmo :) [18:23] Hi Roy :) [18:23] everybody busy with the entries? [18:23] I got two so far [18:23] When is the deadline..? [18:23] Saturday..? [18:24] yes saturday 9 pm [18:24] yes, saturday [18:24] 21:00.. [18:25] CET [18:25] I'll make that, I'll send it in a couple of minutes [18:27] would be the first in group C [18:27] I still have two in B [18:27] Ok, send..! [18:33] I should start I gues.. [18:33] I am done [18:34] does anyone have debian packages for pmars :) [18:34] ? [18:43] uploaded a updated version of the quali site [18:43] http://www.corewar.info/tournament/cwset2005/quali.htm [18:48] http://money.cnn.com/2005/10/27/news/fortune500/exxon.reut/index.htm?cnn=yes [18:48] Sigh... my gas money :-( [18:58] gotta go now [18:58] * Fizmo waves [18:59] bye fiz [18:59] bye [18:59] * brx hugs Roy [18:59] MSG: [19:01] Roy: so, do you think you are going to pass qualification? :) [19:05] I hope so! [19:08] Roy: I don't think you will.. [19:08] We'll just see.. [19:09] oh roy [19:10] There is always a possibility, its open source, and people can cooperate [19:15] Roy: michal is desperate. [19:15] Roy: he has no benchmark and is lazy. he is going to fail. [19:15] * brx laughs [19:24] we don't need no stinking benchmark [19:25] [21:26:18] michalja: send me your benchamrk [19:26] heh [19:27] it's not me [19:27] I don't make typos [19:27] hah. [19:27] liar. [19:33] okay. enough, [19:33] I don't care. Fizmo, warrior is under way. [19:39] okay, it's over [19:39] warrior sent. [19:45] Good luck brx... [19:57] MSG: [20:39] Join: sf joined #corewars [20:39] Hello [20:40] huhu [20:42] hey sf [20:42] Hi brx [20:43] sf: I have sent my real entry to fizmo one hour ago. [20:43] I am just sending my new entry to fizmo now [20:43] new entry? [20:44] for me it is over now, I don't want to think about it anymore :P [20:44] Optimized against yours ;) [20:44] heh ;) [20:48] I haven't thought enough up till now :/ [20:58] MSG: Quit: Wow! What a great client! Bersirc 2.2 [ http://www.bersirc.org/ - Open Source IRC ] [21:31] MSG: Quit: humhum [21:58] Join: Core29_ joined #corewars [22:02] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [22:44] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out [22:47] Join: brx joined #corewars [23:46] Part: michal left #corewars