[00:00] add.ab #2000, 2000 [00:00] would be -3200 then [00:00] mov -2, @1999 [00:00] ups sorry, wrong [00:01] wouldn't that hit instruction 3999? (if add is at 0) [00:02] but 1999 would be -1611 [00:03] write limit 3600 means from -1800 to 1800 [00:03] not -3600 o 3600 [00:03] that's bade [00:03] seen from the instruction [00:03] I thought of 0,3599 [00:04] why mess with negativ numbers while in a Z_n ;) [00:05] well 3599 is legal but it points to the location directly in front of the instruction [00:05] because 3600 would be the same than 0 [00:09] ok, gotta go to bed now [00:09] n8 [00:09] * Fizmo waves [00:09] MSG: [00:47] n8 [00:47] MSG: Quit: humhum [04:15] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [04:28] Join: datagram joined #corewars [05:10] hrm [05:18] Hello bvowk [05:20] how's it going? [05:20] Kind of tired [05:20] Long day yesterday [05:21] Connected a windows box to the net, finally : ) [05:41] heh [05:42] living dangerously. [09:46] Join: Cube joined #corewars [09:46] moin [09:47] what's going on? [09:48] MSG: Client Quit [09:58] Join: cube joined #corewars [09:59] good morning again.. [10:42] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [10:43] hello mizcu [10:43] hi cube [10:51] Join: Roy joined #corewars [10:51] Wow, that was close :-O [10:51] Hey Roy [10:51] Hi [10:52] Too bad you dropped out data, but you suspected it (no time to write) [10:54] Now I have to face Chip in the finals... brrr [10:56] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [10:57] hi [10:57] sorry for not beeing online yesterday evening, but I wasn't at home [10:57] Congrats Roy for making it to the finals [10:58] Heh, I was actually online when you published everything, but not on irc :( [10:58] (was watching speedskating) [10:58] And thanks ;-) [10:59] This time you'll have two weeks to prepar [10:59] Lots of stone/imps this round ;-) [10:59] The deadline will be December 3 [10:59] Ah, thats good new, didn't know that! [10:59] Too bad I'm away for the weekend 1/2/3 dec :-( [11:00] I'll also open a hill at SAL, but I can't guarantee that it is 100% compatible with CoreWin [11:00] Hmm no, well, I think I have a exmars with r/w limits somewhere [11:00] because I haven't any possibility to crosscheck that [11:00] BTW, did you use exmars for your entry? [11:01] uhh I don't think so, why? [11:01] I was falling of my chair as I saw the results the first time [11:01] there seems a bug in exmars [11:02] hmm, odd, what kind of bug? [11:15] afk for a little while [11:19] hmm, seems I can't make the hill 100% compatible. So the difference is the write-limit. Finals: 3600, Hill 4000 [11:22] ok, gotta go now [11:22] MSG: [11:44] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [11:50] hello fiveop [12:09] hi [12:09] hi [12:09] Roy: that was close, hm? ;) [12:11] yeah very close! [12:11] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [12:12] mov.i #0, {0 is an imp isn't it? [12:13] no... [12:13] ... [12:13] it kills the splits ... yes yes ;) [12:13] yeah :) it deletes the spl's [12:13] Else I could still make a paper ;-) [12:15] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [12:16] is here sb who has savvy of linux??? [12:16] savvy? [12:17] means skill [12:18] new word ;) [12:18] i havwe it from tghe dictionary "ding" [12:19] ding? [12:22] cube, What do you need? [12:23] i want to use corewin under linux.. [12:24] try Wine. I cannot guide you to installing or using it however.. [12:24] apt-get install wine ;) [12:24] ;) [12:24] I don't think it works properly under wine [12:24] *remembers trying one of the emulators under wine* [12:25] what? [12:25] wine is in constant development ;) [12:25] i tried wine... [12:25] but it doesn't works.. [12:26] there came many errors and then the programm was dead.. [12:29] does sb know why? [12:31] no [12:31] shit... [12:31] cause it's better than pmars.. [12:50] Join: thedog joined #corewars [12:50] lo all [12:55] * cube goes off...cya @ all [12:56] MSG: Quit: ... cu [12:58] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [12:58] :) [12:59] Hi Fluf [13:02] I've just read the logs. [13:02] The new hill@SAL seems to be interesting [13:02] And congrats more making it to the final round [13:03] Thanks a lot! [13:03] The new hill is kind of odd, needs more warriors..! [13:03] (hint hint) [13:03] It is a pity, that there are only 10 slots [13:04] pity? just make good warriors ;-) [13:04] And you can test and not get on the hill anyway [13:04] I've always thought, that even the 20 warriors for 94nop isn't enough [13:05] The other test-hill (with 5 slots) only got about 9/10 challenges I think :-) [13:05] 20 is more then enough to have a balanced hill [13:05] (imo) [13:05] hmm, I don't mean balanced, I mean fun [13:06] A balanced hill isn't very much fun, with 20 the hill is always slightly unbalanced and favours new warriors of some kind [13:08] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [13:09] * Fluffy is away for a while [13:10] * Roy too (A1) [13:10] MSG: [13:48] Join: sf joined #corewars [13:48] Hi [13:53] That was close, only 1% wins between winner and loser :-( [13:55] The write limit on the fortress hill is different to the write limit for the final [13:55] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [14:09] Join: datagram joined #corewars [14:09] MSG: Quit: Think your current client is sexy? Check out Bersirc 2.2! [ http://www.bersirc.org/ - Open Source IRC ] [14:11] Join: sf joined #corewars [14:13] Topic Change: sf sets topic: www.corewar.info + www.koth.org + corewar.co.uk + www.ociw.edu/~birk/COREWAR + corewar.atspace.com [14:54] MSG: Quit: Think your current client is sexy? Check out Bersirc 2.2! [ http://www.bersirc.org/ - Open Source IRC ] [15:19] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [16:20] Part: Fluffy left #corewars [17:25] Join: willvarfa joined #corewars [17:26] evening all [17:28] hey [17:31] Join: cube joined #corewars [17:31] hiho [17:32] * cube is away: Eating [17:41] Join: elkauka joined #corewars [17:53] MSG: Quit: Leaving [18:15] * cube is back (gone 00:43:35) [18:15] hu elkauka [18:23] Join: Roy joined #corewars [18:23] hi [18:36] is here somebody who can helps me?i've got a problem mit linux and wine [18:40] I can't :-( [18:41] it doesn't matter...I try it in an german computer forum.. [18:57] anyways, who of you guys is from Germany actually? [18:57] yes...i'm from germany [18:57] a-ha [18:57] =) [18:57] ich auch... [18:57] hehe [18:57] and elkauka and fiveop i think [18:57] aso [18:58] Fizmo too [18:58] ich nicht [18:58] seem to be more german people than i Thought [18:58] Almost 70% is german I htink :-) [18:58] roy...where do you come from? [18:58] Netherlands, so pretty close [18:59] aso [18:59] aye [19:00] fluffy & neutrino are also germans [19:00] Its not so hard to become the best coder in my country, but the best german... that would be much harder (probably Fizmo atm) [19:00] =) [19:00] :) [19:01] Hrm, Bench nr.3 on the new hill is pretty good [19:01] But well, Fizmo had some time to prepare ;-) [19:03] * elkauka likes the fortress rules anyway [19:04] Me too, the processes are good, not paper-ruled, it forces to be creative [19:07] and its the first time that a hill has a write limit [19:07] No.. [19:07] The other tournament hill has a write limit doesn't it!? [19:07] The r23 hill [19:08] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [19:08] hi all [19:08] Hi Fizzer [19:08] shit...it seems to be not possible to run CoreWin in Linux... [19:08] hi [19:08] hi [19:09] the pmars of SAL has read/write-limit compiled for unix but it's not published I think [19:10] Hi Roy, I hope my Bench No.3 isn't to tough for you :-P [19:10] Its tough, but I don't know HOW tough yet, this is just my first idea I'm testing [19:11] I don't understand why its tieing against Finally though, on my machine (with the same settings) it beats it 100%... are there differences? [19:12] greets [19:12] I put my first ideas as well, but I already have an idea for a better one [19:12] Idon't know [19:13] I sent my three in and compared the results with what I got with Corewin and it was looking the same [19:33] hmm, seems I must start with Bench No.4. No.3 is just 70pts ahead of the rest :-P [19:34] *cough* bragger *cough* [19:35] lol [19:36] Well, I think the good spot don't last for very long [19:39] Close...not good enough yet :-) really time for Bench 4 now [19:42] wow, not bad [19:48] http://www.bash.org/?50891 [19:48] watch this and lough [19:49] laught [19:49] -t [19:49] Heh lol [19:49] now it's correct.. [19:51] lol [19:52] hrm. [19:53] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [19:53] heya [19:53] how goes met.. [19:53] Hi [19:53] 50k koth :-) [19:53] yeah :P [19:54] Fizmo: I have a couple of questions for you [19:54] 1) do you know kafka's real name? [19:54] 2) can you think of an earlier bi-clear implementation than Paris? [19:54] franz [19:54] :) [19:55] bvowk: not that one! [19:55] met: I guess I should just be happy I made it into the top20 at all huh? [19:55] Hi John [19:55] :-) [19:56] 1) No I don't know his name, but AFAIK he's from Hungary and was studying medicine that time he was active in cw [19:57] Have you tried your highest warriors from 50k on the nano hill bvowk? [19:57] 2) I only know Paris, but I would also have a look at Damm's The Core Clear [19:57] met: yeah [20:00] Hi JM [20:00] Try the new hill, its fun! [20:00] Roy: I send an improved version now, but I'll soon have a much better one available [20:01] hrmm, wasn't that good than expected [20:01] I send a new version too ;-) [20:03] The warriors at the top of 50k are quite a diverse collection [20:04] sf came closer than anyone else to knocking Roy out. Apart from Chip that is ;-) [20:04] Oh :-( [20:05] Yeah, he was pretty close, I suspected he would send a scanner [20:05] And sf predicted wrong too [20:05] Yes, thats the fun part [20:06] But its just silly to send a oneshot or scanner in a round without papers [20:07] heh, an unexpected strategy seems the best choice ;-) [20:10] My time will run out in 4 mins, then I'm away for a few days :-( [20:10] Ok, good luck, make some Fortress warriors when away! [20:13] * Metcalf waves [20:13] MSG: Quit: mov.i #1,1 [20:13] * Roy waves [20:13] what have been the biggest catastrophys in the 20th century? [20:15] Titanic '12,Hiroshima '45, Chernobil '86, Windows '95 [20:16] Heh Titanic was nothing really.. I think (as not-so-geek) I would go with Hiroshima [20:16] But Windows is the only one we are still having problems with [20:16] Join: Core29_ joined #corewars [20:18] ok, another idea sent [20:19] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [20:23] 252sec...lol [20:24] ok, gotta go now [20:24] * Fizmo waves [20:24] * Roy waves [20:25] MSG: [20:48] * elkauka waves [20:48] Part: elkauka left #corewars [20:52] n8 [20:52] MSG: Quit: humhum [20:59] A worldwide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question [20:59] asked was:"Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the [20:59] food shortage in the rest of the world?" [20:59] The survey was a huge failure... [20:59] In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant. [20:59] In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant. [20:59] In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant. [20:59] In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant. [20:59] In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant. [20:59] In South America they didn't know what "please" meant. [20:59] And in the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant [20:59] heh, nice [21:00] things like that you get on http://www.bash.org/?top [21:08] gotta go, sending one last thing to the Fortress hill [21:08] * Roy waves [21:08] MSG: [21:30] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [23:51] MSG: