[00:29] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [06:37] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [07:19] Join: cube joined #corewars [07:19] hiho [07:20] Hello [07:33] whats giong on datagram? [07:36] Playing a game [07:44] ok...now i have to go to school [07:46] MSG: Quit: ... cu [09:25] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [11:54] Part: datagram left #corewars [11:54] Join: datagram joined #corewars [12:28] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [14:22] Join: bamalama joined #corewars [14:22] Part: bamalama left #corewars [15:23] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [15:23] :) [15:26] * bvowk lights fluffy on fire! [15:26] now you're smokey! [15:26] * Fluffy ignores all needless violence [15:27] needless? [15:27] * Fluffy kicks bvowk [15:27] ow! [15:27] * Fluffy kicks again [15:27] damn ... I missed [15:27] heh [15:28] * Fluffy tries again [15:28] * bvowk gets angry! [15:28] * bvowk hits! [15:28] * bvowk hits! [15:28] * bvowk hits! [15:28] you die. [15:28] dywypi? [15:28] :) [15:28] * Fluffy played in gods mode [15:28] heh [15:28] bah, no scorefile entry for you! [15:28] how's it going today? [15:28] you see that I'm back pounding on nano? [15:29] Quite well ... I'm reading bash.org [15:30] heh.. [15:30] its tragic how much time you can waste there huh? [15:30] :) [15:30] yup [15:30] I'm playing with my evolver a little bit.. I've started using pools of 2k with 50 species... [15:30] * Fluffy starts a coreclear near bvowk [15:30] it has some interesting effects.. [15:31] (also added a -P hack to it for nano) [15:31] Join: sf joined #corewars [15:31] Hi [15:31] hey sf [15:31] how goes? [15:31] Ok :-) [15:31] * bvowk is overwritten with dats [15:31] When have you been koth on nano the last time? [15:31] never :( [15:31] Hi sf! [15:31] I see I'm high on your big robin results [15:31] * sf never too [15:31] except for maybe right at the start [15:32] * Fluffy coreclears bvowk again ... just to be sure [15:32] sf is a nano god.. [15:32] kinda like met.. [15:32] :-) [15:32] I'm just lucky I snuck into the top 20 on my own run! [15:32] Well sometimes I think in a similar way to John [15:32] hrm.. [15:33] Maybe it is time to send some new TON-warriors to nano. [15:33] maybe its like fightclub.. [15:33] Fluffy: you've no chance now. [15:33] why? [15:33] The hill has changed. [15:34] It always does :) [15:34] You can't evolve the warriors as well as we can create them by hand [15:34] The TON-warriors weren't evolved [15:34] maybe not yet.. but who nows what the future may bring.. (I'm hoping carbon nanotube on diamond stacked processors myself..) [15:35] s/nows/knows [15:35] Whatever hardware advances appear, we can use Optimax on them ;-) [15:37] well.. If I ever write a better optimax, I'll be safe, because my code is so cruddy, nobody else uses it :( [15:37] hmm ... any idea for a good form to use for my new warriors? [15:38] I don't want to make spl/mov/mov/mov/djn again [15:38] just look for the top of the 50k fluffy [15:39] Could you please give me the URL [15:39] * Fluffy kicks bvowk to make sure, he does [15:39] www.math.ualberta.ca/~bvowk/files/50k-report.txt [15:39] see ... all bvowk needs is a little kick ;-) [15:39] thanks [15:42] That's bad. TON IX is only 250th in your report [15:44] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [15:45] I've started my little optimizer now. In two or three days I'll have the first warrior ready. [15:46] Join: sf joined #corewars [15:47] fluffy: qbombing works well in tiny cores [15:48] try evolving the form mov/mov/mov/mov/mov [15:49] There are a few duplicates in the 50k report (with slightly different scores) [15:49] Did you already try that? [15:49] No I write by hand :-) [15:50] My first try will be another form [15:50] any clues? [15:51] Not until I have a good name for it [15:59] seems ok just make the last mov an imp [16:02] Hello [16:02] It is a pity, that there are only 5 instructions for nano. A micro hill with 10 instructions (maybe with coresize 200, maxprocess 200) would be nice [16:02] hi datagram [16:02] Hi Datagram [16:03] It would offer more possibilities than nano, but not too much (like tiny). [16:03] ... at least too much for my computer [16:04] Hello [16:08] fluffy: first you should master the nano hill before wishing for a bigger hill ;-) [16:19] sf: I'm already working on it :) [16:20] I've taken a new benchmark and extended my program a little bit. Maybe it helps a bit [16:21] I hope my hill warriors aren't in your benchmark :-( [16:22] I've taken all good warriors, I could find [16:22] from JM's page and from Koenigstuhl [16:22] http://gunzonline.com [16:24] datagram: Just another reason, why I'm sure, that mankind is stupid [16:24] Not all men are stupid [16:25] yes, but a group of more than 1 human being always is! [16:25] ;-) [16:25] It's a good game [16:25] I hate shooting games normally [16:26] but this one is fun [16:26] Shooting people? [16:26] I have never played a 3d shooter game [16:26] hmm ... but on the other hand I've already slain hundreds of innocent warriors [16:27] Abstract [16:27] Someone came up with terms like kill, warrior, etc. [16:28] please add a ";-)" to my last sentence [16:29] MSG: Quit: Bersirc 2.2: All the original sexiness of Bersirc, open to the world. [ http://www.bersirc.org/ - Open Source I [16:33] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [16:46] hmm ... not even 100. It seems, that I have to wait a little bit longer [16:46] But I hope, that you like the name, bvowk. Do you? [16:54] hrm [16:54] heh [16:56] Was that an answer ;-) [16:59] I'm very happy with the fluffiness of your new entry [17:02] hehe ... seems, that I've already fooled you ;-) [17:17] Join: Neogryzor joined #corewars [17:17] Hi Neogryzor! [17:18] hi Fluffy [17:19] how are you today? [17:25] quite well, but again I was tortured by bvowk [17:25] maybe he should feel a little bit more of my wrath ;-) [17:25] * Fluffy kicks bvowk [17:26] ah ... that feels good [17:26] Join: pak21 joined #corewars [17:27] heh [17:27] Maybe you want to join me, Neogryzor! bvowk will probably not mind [17:28] * Fluffy pokes bvowk in the right eye, because he hasn't done that for a while [17:34] * Neogryzor slaps bvowk around a bit with a large trout [17:34] Wow, a new hill! [17:37] Yes :) [17:39] i'm going to improvise something to it :) [17:40] * Neogryzor meanwhile pokes bvowk in the left eye [17:41] mmh, should be "peeks"? [17:41] * Fluffy doesn't approve useless violence [17:41] ;-) [17:41] I think, that "poke" is ok [17:44] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [17:48] ow! [17:48] * bvowk wields a runed longsword named StormBringer! [17:49] It was the fluffy, not me...! [17:49] Join: Roy joined #corewars [17:49] hey [17:49] Hi Roy! [17:49] hi [17:49] Hi Roy [17:49] oh! In that case.. [17:49] Neogryzor: Fortunately bvowk will miss, because he's blind now [17:49] * Roy is a little afk [17:49] * bvowk wields a blessed packet of "Shake n Bake" and a blessed +7 longsword named FireBrand!! [17:50] here fluffy! [17:50] hehe [17:50] I'm writing a little function that reads PNG files and replaces their palettes [17:50] I'm writing this sentence right now [17:50] ;-) [17:51] Sigh, are you guys in *that* mood again :) [17:51] yup [17:51] Want to kick bvowk? [17:51] could be worse.. metcalf was really abusive the other day.. [17:51] !? [17:51] Damn ... and I have missed that :( [17:51] * Roy wields a quack +1 rubber ducky and starts his attack [17:52] lol [17:52] take that! [17:52] *quack* [17:52] *sqeeuck* [17:53] Roy: I think, bvowk now is mortally wounded [17:53] * bvowk whacks Roy with a rubber chicken [17:53] * Fluffy throws two fluffy bunnies at bvowk [17:53] Nooo!! (didn't expect that) [17:54] Fluf: Try the fortress hill! [17:54] * bvowk uses firebrand on the bunnies.. and goes afk for lunch [17:54] (mmmmm). [17:54] * Neogryzor activates the fire alarm to increase crazyness! [17:54] You bastard, you killed Kenny! [17:54] err ... fluffy bunnies [17:55] my wife works for the local humane society.. I keep trying to convince her to bring home cute little bunnies that people surrender after easter so we can have shake n bake rabbit.. [17:55] she doesn't think thats a good idea.. [17:55] I think, it is a very good idea. Don't waste anything! [17:55] ;-) [17:55] its true.. [17:55] and they're delicious! [17:56] anyways.. I'm really going to find lunch now.. [17:56] no! put two together and wait until next easter :-) [17:56] hehe [17:57] roy: raising rabbits is smelly work.. [17:57] I used to that when I was kid.. [17:58] Did they taste well? [17:58] they're great :) [17:58] its like chicken, except its all dark meat [17:58] little more flavour [17:58] heh, thats the problem bvowk, you don't have to raise them, they'll do that theirself ;-) [17:58] heh [17:58] thats true enough.. [17:59] campus security apparently catches a few people using slingshots on the rabbits on campus.. [17:59] thats pretty ballsy :) [17:59] they shoot rabbits with slingshots!? :-) [17:59] (j/k) [17:59] heh [18:00] yes, the rabbit fights up here in canada are much like the tomato fights in italy.. [18:00] :P [18:00] heh, color is probably the same.. [18:00] * bvowk throws fluffy at roy [18:01] Roy: throw me back! throw me back! [18:01] * Roy eats Fluffy [18:01] harder this time.. he's still noisy. [18:02] hehe [18:02] hrm.. we're going to get hatemail about this.. I just know it! [18:02] from who? [18:02] !! [18:03] for the record, I also eat cows, pigs, chickens, cute little lambs, and babies. [18:03] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [18:03] see! the attacks are starting already! [18:03] Join: Roy joined #corewars [18:03] * bvowk goes for luncn [18:03] hrm :S "Software caused connection abort" [18:04] * Fluffy uses a rubber sledgehammer on bvowk [18:04] But what I was saying: Jens! try the Fortress hill, its pretty cool! [18:04] hmm ... but hard for papers [18:05] only 80 processes [18:05] yeah.. [18:05] But the king is a paper :-P [18:05] hmm [18:06] Roy: In 5 mins I'll send an F-version of HFB [18:17] Your five minutes are over.. [18:18] look at the hill [18:18] Score 9.1....you'll have to trie harder! [18:18] lol [18:19] It probably contains a bug [18:19] Or I'm just stupid [18:19] Both is equally probable ;-) [18:19] *are [18:20] Join: cube joined #corewars [18:21] I think they are joined [18:22] hello guys [18:23] hi [18:24] hi [18:26] Hi cube [18:26] Roy: I've sent another warrior. [18:27] * Roy is sending one right now [18:28] me too [18:29] bvowk: You should speed up the server a little bit. It takes too long to get the results ;-) [18:29] 1000 rounds :) [18:30] eh/ [18:30] eh? rather.. [18:30] Everything above 1 second is too slow! [18:30] wah! what a ridiculous score! [18:30] bah. [18:30] hehe ... mine was 9.1 [18:30] try to be worse ;-) [18:30] ok, that is micro-ridiculous [18:31] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [18:31] can you write a sucidal warrior that scores less than 50% against itself? [18:31] bvowk: How fast is the server for the SAL hills? [18:31] its a 1Ghz PIII [18:31] supported by some extra boxes for computrons [18:31] Neogryzor: That would be lame. Try sth. original ;-) [18:31] we're doing an obscene number of rounds of nano [18:32] its like 3500 rounds or something crazy.. [18:32] bvowk: Why? 142 should be enough [18:32] to try and reduce the noise [18:32] -P doesn't work :) [18:32] hehe [18:32] So there is an easy solution [18:32] fluffy: yes, stop whining! [18:33] Nope [18:33] sal is supported by about 15 processors.. [18:33] only 15 [18:33] most of the time spent is importing stuff into the database.. and some time sendmail spends thinking [18:34] hmm ... [18:35] hehe ... entering the hill seems to be easy [18:36] Hehe [18:36] nice [18:36] look at the scores [18:36] quite strange [18:37] Very tieing [18:37] only ties against fizmo's and Nenad's warriors [18:38] It is a pity, that I cannot optimize it [18:38] I've simply taken some random values [18:38] hmm ... I've got an idea ... will sent that, too [18:41] Me too..! [18:43] Wow, this warrior beats all my other Fortress warriors (by about 97% wins) [18:44] But there is a big change its just MY warriors it beats heh [18:48] :) [18:49] Now I've sent two other warriors [18:49] Let's hope, that the hill becomes more fluffy ;-) [18:49] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [18:49] Hi Fizmo! [18:50] hi [18:50] Hi fizzer [18:50] Hi Fizmo [18:50] Wow, good traffic on Fortress Hill [18:50] :) [18:50] You know, we always like to try new hills [18:51] My second best score so far is 9.1 :) [18:51] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [18:51] Hi Neo [18:51] Hi Roy [18:51] Hi Jens [18:51] Hey, fluffy appears also on Fortress Hill ;-) [18:52] * Fluffy kicks bvowk for not making the SAL-server faster [18:52] Join: cube joined #corewars [18:52] Fizmo: I want to make the hill more friendly by filling it with my fluffy warriors [18:53] :-P [18:53] grr ... I've only sent two warriors and don't have the results yet :( [18:54] It's quite faszinating to discover the new possibilities [18:54] New? If you only knew, what I've sent [18:54] Yeah, the hill is pretty slow and very used [18:54] You send the normal paper :-) [18:55] grrr, fluffy flooding... :) [18:55] Roy: No, not a "normal" paper [18:55] LP, right? [18:57] Join: Core29_ joined #corewars [18:57] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [18:58] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out [18:59] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [18:59] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [18:59] hmm.. [19:01] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [19:01] MSG: [19:02] This looks like a self-destroy sequence... [19:02] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [19:03] Join: asw joined #corewars [19:03] Join: Roy joined #corewars [19:04] how odd... :) [19:04] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [19:04] hmm, networks was broken [19:04] yeah, ping timeout for nearly everyone [19:05] Some survived.. [19:05] funny, my irc client didn't noticed me that I lost connection [19:05] MSG: Quit: Physical Wreck IRC webscript: http://www.pswclan.com/cgi-bin/irc/irc.cgi [EOF] [19:05] hehe, that was funny :) [19:05] Join: cube joined #corewars [19:06] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [19:06] Welcome back all [19:07] wb ;-) [19:07] hmm ... sth. strange happend [19:09] Fizmo: Another try: Was there any special reason to have only 10 slot for 94f? [19:10] it's just a testhill so far [19:10] Its already pretty slow :-S [19:10] (and I blame bunnies) [19:10] I guess because of the 1000 rounds [19:11] But now it is far more friendly!!! [19:11] Fizmo: You should restrict everyone to use only fluffy names [19:11] lol [19:12] aren't my names fluffy enough? ;-) [19:12] nope [19:12] Nice entry, Roy! [19:13] Yay!, but still Nenad's is still killing me.. [19:13] Fizmo: Do you really call "testFH2" fluffy? [19:13] its testFluffyHappyToo!! really.. [19:13] FH means Fluffy Hill [19:14] erhh, Fluffy Happy. Roy you're right ;-) [19:15] hehe [19:15] heya Roy [19:15] nice entry [19:16] It looks we develop the hill in different directions [19:19] Its looking more like a normal hill too [19:19] Not just 99/0/1 and 50/50/0 scores :) [19:20] That is your opinion. [19:20] FF has a lost of 0/0/100 :) [19:21] My warrior (on top) doesn't have extreme scores anymore [19:21] Only beating my own warrior quite a lot, and being molested by Nenad's [19:21] heh, p-spacing is crutial on the hill [19:21] hmm [19:22] otherwise you fight 1000 time the exactly same battle ;-) [19:22] Maybe it would be a nice idea to write a paper, which throws p-space-bombs :) [19:22] heh, go ahead [19:23] That might be a very good idea indeed [19:23] But you might loose badly, if all warriors on the hill don't use pspace [19:25] But I don't think there are many warriors not using it [19:26] FF [19:27] Let's wait some 100 challenges to decide about that [19:30] * Roy has some time [19:30] The good thing is that the p-switcher can be very smart [19:30] you need just a single round to see if the choosen strategy is crap [19:31] And you have plenty of space :) [19:31] Time to go [19:31] * Fluffy waves [19:32] Part: Fluffy left #corewars [19:32] Is it normal that i can kick people from channel and sth like that? [19:33] No, probably not.. [19:34] You can..? [19:34] i don't know but i have buttons with these things in my window... [19:35] I don't think it works.. [19:35] how could i test this? [19:35] sure [19:35] just kick me :) [19:36] ok i'll try [19:36] ok it doesn't works: * #corewars :You're not channel operator [19:38] We don't have a operator, so thats ok [19:38] is there anyway an operator for this channel?now there is no op online but exist one? [19:38] what have you done roy? [19:39] No, maybe if everybody will quit, then we'll have a new op [19:44] why we have then a new op? [19:45] The channel automaticly assigns a op to the first who makes a channel, but the one who got it left... so noone has a op atm [19:45] ok...i see [19:45] But when everybody leaves the channel dissapears, and when someone joins again its re-created, thus he will become the operator [19:48] ok, time to ho [19:48] * Fizmo waves [19:48] and happy programming [19:49] MSG: [19:49] heh, he is just too happy.. [19:59] ok, I'm off, bye! [19:59] MSG: [20:02] where i find königsstuhl? [20:03] I usually follow the link from koth.org [20:06] thx [20:08] is the roy from this channel Roy van Rijn? [20:10] yes [20:11] he seems to be very good... [20:12] if i see the ranking of Königsstuhl.. [20:17] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [20:17] hi core29 [20:19] i've a question...atm i watch the archive of the warriors on Königstuhl and wonder wether a warrior with 180B has a chance again a warrior with 3kB??? [20:20] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [20:20] is this possible? [20:26] the size of the source file matters not. [20:26] I'm sure metcalf could come up with a zero length file that'd kick your ass. [20:28] ok...but i think his warrior could only kick the ass of my warrior,not mine ;) [20:31] so you're accustomed to use metaphors [20:31] yes i'm [20:45] log_guy:where do you come from? [20:45] he comes from me. [20:45] I made him. [20:46] you might say, I'm his creator.. or as I like to call myself.. god. [20:46] but why his time is 15:44??? [20:47] ??? [20:47] MSG: Quit: humhum [20:48] datagram:where are you from? [20:49] he's on gmt [20:49] no [20:49] well... he's supposed to be :) [20:50] but now i have to go.... [20:50] cya [20:50] MSG: Quit: ... cu [20:50] tuc might have dropped the rtc on the floor [21:35] Join: Roy joined #corewars [22:32] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [23:08] MSG: [23:54] Join: Core29 joined #corewars