[02:24] Join: Brucio-10 joined #corewars [02:28] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [06:51] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [08:44] emiclock: hello [09:26] Join: Roy joined #corewars [09:26] hey! [09:29] http://www.dailyplay.net <- website of a collegue of mine, was launched today, try it out ;-) [09:48] is try it out correct english? [09:48] Yes. [09:49] Actualy I think it is.. (although my english isn't so good) [09:52] hm [09:53] I'm always careful if something sounds like it's direct translated german [09:53] try it out, probiert es aus ... ;) [09:54] Its also directly translated to dutch: probeer het uit [09:55] Its pretty easy to read German for me, because it looks a lot like Dutch, do you have the same the other way around? [09:55] havn't tried it yet [09:55] "Als ik dit zeg, kan je het dan lezen?" [09:56] I can understand the second part of the sentence without any problems :P [09:56] 'If I say this, can you read it?' [09:56] what does the first part exactly mean? [09:57] oh [09:57] zeg -> zeggen -> sachen [09:57] the problem was that I tried to translate 'dit' into something that relates to me ... [09:57] like you [09:57] Dit == this :) [09:57] Sounds the same if you pronounce it [09:58] Well, a bit the same.. [09:58] :P [09:59] I was often on competitions? in belgium and they spoke something I could sometimes understand bitwise [10:00] They speak French and Dutch in belgium, so it was probably in the Dutch section [10:01] I think I'd recognized french ;) [10:06] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [10:06] Hi [10:07] hiya nenad [10:08] what have you been doing lately, Roy? Any new warrior projects in motion? [10:12] No, nothing.. to busy with work/school [10:12] Finishing up now, almost done! [10:13] finishing what? [10:14] School :) [10:14] Almost time to collect my certificate [10:15] You? [10:15] well, very busy, indeed... but not near the end :( [10:15] however, it is interesting, so I don't mind [10:16] I'm not going to quit corewar, that's for sure :). Just make warriors less frequently... [10:21] I don't have time now period.. and when I start working fulltime its going to be even less :) [10:22] where are you working? [10:25] Now I'm making J2ME mobile phone games... well actually I'm only writing my final 'thesis' now [10:25] :) [10:25] But after thats done I'll have to find a proper job [10:26] ... I still don't know exactly what I want to do after the studies... [10:27] Me neither, and my end is probably next month heh.. [10:28] I have two-three more years to go + postgraduate studies... [10:28] so, I'll at least have the time to decide [10:29] but, you'll have the time for the Corewar Meeting, I hope? :) [10:36] You'll have time to think about it yeah :) [10:36] I hope I will, else I'll just wait getting a job until then ;-) [10:36] :) [10:39] * Nenad waves [10:39] MSG: [10:57] quit [10:57] MSG: Quit: humhum [11:44] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [12:45] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [13:40] MSG: [13:52] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [15:49] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [15:50] :) [15:55] Join: sascha joined #corewars [16:00] * sascha waves [16:00] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [16:58] Join: sf joined #corewars [16:58] Hello [16:59] hello. [17:00] Hi Bvowk [17:00] can you tell me why a cd by an english band, thats pressed here in canada, on a canadian label, counts as an import here? [17:00] this does not computer. [17:00] er.. compute [17:00] :( [17:00] http://www.seedmagazine.com/news/2006/03/getting_physical.php [17:01] No idea [17:01] hello.. fucking idiot? 1905 called, they want your brand of stupidity back. [17:01] The governments of the world have to take money off people by as many means as possible. [17:02] A person should only break even during their lifetime [17:02] no, its not the government.. its the CD store.. [17:02] it has a little canadian label stick with a maple leaf, and then beside that, its stamped import (which apparently means the CD is worth 10 extra dollars) [17:02] very silly [17:03] Trying to figure what you mean [17:03] hello.. fucking idiot? 1905 called, they want your brand of stupidity back. [17:03] read the link :) [17:03] some idiot at IBM saying "everything goods been invented already, stop looking for new stuff" [17:04] er.. s/goods/good's/ [17:04] Einstein, Feynman and other famous swingers. [17:04] oops ! [17:04] wrong url :) [17:04] :) [17:04] http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-6050056.html [17:04] sorry [17:04] no wonder you're all confused [17:04] apparently I am too :) [17:06] No I understand :) [17:06] *Now [17:08] The new Wembly Arena may not be built in time for the Rolling Stones :( [17:09] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [17:15] Join: TinyIRC joined #corewars [17:15] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [17:15] hi [17:15] hrmm [17:16] 94nop is crashed [17:16] Hi Chris [17:16] :( [17:16] who was it? [17:16] Not me [17:16] hahaha [17:16] I wasn't looking to u [17:17] Send a dat [17:18] hmmm, I don't think that it will help [17:18] it will confuse that hill much more [17:18] The person who sent the warrior which caused the problem needs to send a ;kill [17:18] hmmm, I don't think that it will help too [17:19] best would be to leave 94nop as unchanged as possible [17:19] until someone has fixed it [17:19] Too late :/ [17:20] MSG: Hi Tuc, seems that the 94nop hill crashed completely :( [17:22] Though nothing appears in the queue [17:22] is TinyIRC a real person or an advert bot [17:22] ;-) [17:22] Bot, what's a bot? [17:24] a program that simulates a human [17:24] ;-) [17:24] Human, what's a human? [17:24] hahahahaa [17:25] Fizmo, you are the oracle of redcode and I am going to stalk you in #corewars forever! [17:25] Actually, it's just me trying a different client [17:26] hahahaa [17:26] grrrrrrr [17:26] ;-) [17:35] Have updated any more bits on your webpage Fizmo? [17:36] no, I just wanted to start now with the next bits [17:36] What's next? [17:36] the hills pages [17:37] but that will be a major update [17:39] so it will some time [17:46] Join: DrewHK joined #corewars [17:46] hello [17:46] Hi DrewHK [17:53] hi [17:53] is here someone who knows a bit about website design? [17:54] just a little [17:54] Does anyone know how to make a link which goes automatically to a file whose name includes today's date? [17:54] dunno [17:55] well, just look here: [17:55] http://www.corewar.info/TMP/hills.htm [17:55] I want to exclude the boxes on left and right side [17:55] maybe you could use server-side-includes (SSI) to include the date someway [17:55] I don't think my host does SSI [17:55] so that I can change them later without updating every html page separately [17:55] Frames [17:56] or SSI.. [17:56] hmmm, frames [17:56] would it be easy to write? [17:56] I don't like frames. I don't know why [17:56] or to work with frames? [17:57] , dont remember exactly how the command went, and the webserver has to have them enabled (probably are) [17:58] frames need some extra work and few extra html-files, but possible, and need no extra from server-side [17:58] http://www.webaim.org/techniques/frames/ [18:00] Fizmo: here is a good example of frames being used ;) [18:00] http://www.geocities.com/sayembara/sum.htm [18:01] coooool :-P [18:03] hrm [18:05] MSG: Quit: I was using TinyIRC! Visit http://www.tinyirc.net/ for more information. [18:06] tks sf [18:06] :) [18:06] still start working with frames [18:06] Good luck [18:08] btw, would it be ok to make a frame-based cw website? [18:08] I think most browser support frames [18:09] I don't know about Lynx [18:09] I think there is a no-frames thing too [18:11] Join: Roy joined #corewars [18:11] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [18:11] Join: sf joined #corewars [18:11] hiya sf [18:13] hi Roy [18:13] hi [18:15] Join: TinyIRC joined #corewars [18:15] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [18:17] Hello [18:17] hi [18:18] * Roy is installing the whole .NET SDK framework etc :-( [18:18] Just put a link to your menu and your content inside a ... [18:19] Lot of work but hopefully I can use PyCorewar then ;-) maybe I could even make a general windows version with it for Fluffer [18:20] Part: TinyIRC left #corewars [18:30] hmmm, isn't that easy to work with framey [18:30] frames [18:31] but if I get it working it will save time [18:32] * Roy hates frames.. [18:54] I have to go now [18:54] * Fizmo waves [18:54] MSG: [19:06] Join: John joined #corewars [19:07] Hi [19:07] Hi John [19:07] I missed Fizmo :-( [19:07] Hi Roy [19:07] Yeah [19:08] Where's brx disappeared to? [19:08] No idea.. haven't spoken him for a while now [19:10] Which is correct? irc://irc.koth.org/corewars or irc://irc.koth.org/#corewars [19:10] Both..? I don't think you can call it that way :) [19:11] then I would probably say irc.koth.org:6667#corewars [19:12] Chatzilla seems to assume I have an American keyboard. Very annoying [19:15] everyone knows that non american keyboards are a myth they use to scare children in typing class. [19:16] The British keyboard layout is the proper keyboard layout for all English speaking countries [19:17] Indisputable fact [19:18] All keyboards should follow the layout of the Sinclair QL [19:28] heh [19:28] no.. lisp machine.. every keyboard needs a hyper meta [19:28] A what? [19:28] ohw ohw ohw!! noo :( [19:28] Who broke 94nop? [19:29] Getting further with the PyCorewar build, but no succes yet [19:29] It finds the c-compiler now though [19:42] * DrewHK wonders if the slowness of his simulation implies improved precision [19:42] Have you written a redcode simulator? [19:46] no [19:46] Sigh, more errors :-( [19:47] mobile ad-hoc simulation [19:49] * bvowk simulates himself.. [19:49] Argh, recursive nightmare :-( [19:49] * Roy simulates errors apperantly (wants Fluffy to arrive!) [19:58] Join: yournick joined #corewars [19:59] Nick Change: yournick changed nick to Neogryzor [19:59] Hi Neo [19:59] hi John [19:59] hi John [19:59] what's up? [20:00] Someone broke the 94nop [20:00] ! [20:00] I have just recivied a report from it [20:01] That's bad news :/ [20:04] Impressive score from Mascafe ;-) [20:05] Thanks. I am surprised with it [20:41] oh damn, simulation ruined my theory... [20:41] maybe i should tweak the results a bit ;) [20:42] That sounds a reasonable solution [20:44] maybe i write a letter and jump from the university building [20:44] :-/ [20:44] or tweak my theory [20:44] Try tweaking the results first [20:45] Hi DrewHK. What were you working on? [20:45] measuring information propagation in mobile networks with opportunistic forwarding [20:46] i tried to give a lower bound but failed [20:47] but the measurement was important, so it is not a complete failure [21:21] Join: sascha joined #corewars [21:22] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [21:22] Hi [21:22] Hi Nenad, hi sascha [21:23] hmm... it seems that 94nop is down... [21:23] Okay guys, Who has trashed the hill?! [21:24] * Nenad hides [21:24] * Neogryzor looks at both sascha and nenad seriously [21:24] I sent a warrior to 94m and it challenged 94nop and the fights were done in multiwarrior-style and the 10-slot hill was produced [21:24] I don't know why [21:25] it had a ;redcode-94m line [21:25] it shouldn't have come close to 94nop hill [21:25] so I guess that it was me :) [21:26] If i recall right that was what happened the last time it crashed. Was that, John? [21:27] But a nice score ;_) [21:29] ... I haven't been sending anything there for a while... and now that I decide to make a few new warriors, I crash the hill... lol [21:31] And Mascafe is frozen at the top with an incredible score. I hope it to survive the repairing work [21:32] well, it does have a very good score. [21:33] Hi Nenad [21:33] Hi Sascha [21:33] Hi John [21:33] Hi John [21:33] :-( [21:33] Just what are you trying to accuse me of ;-) [21:33] I know nothing :-P [21:33] Nenad: try sending a ;kill for the warrior which broke it. [21:34] but it didn't ... the warrior that broke it wasn't sent there, and it also WAS a challenge before, so it is on the hill... but I can try, and send it again if necessary... the worst thing that can happen is hill aging a little more :) [21:36] And for god's sake, try not to kill them all! :) [21:36] only the top three :) [21:37] * Neogryzor is in panic! [21:44] Any success, Nenad? [21:45] I've datted and ;killed 94m and nothing... still waiting for 94nop result... [21:45] That one appears stuck :) [21:48] yes, unfortunately [21:49] it is fighting dat 0, 0 for a few minutes now [21:49] so, I guess this won't be enough to restore the hill [21:49] It will take some time. Dat's are hard contenders... [21:54] yes. in the beginning of the match they are EVERYWHERE in the core... so it's really hard to kill them all in time :) [21:56] maybe I should try something different - ;kill Mascafe, for instance [21:57] Yes, try killing a warrior which is already on there [21:57] Mascafe would be the best option [21:57] It's our only chance of fixing the hill [21:58] * Neogryzor complains earnestly! [21:59] Go on, play russian roulette Neo. [21:59] at least all of the warriors still have the correct age.. [21:59] Send that ;kill and hope the hill hasn't suddenly fixed itself [21:59] * sascha waves [21:59] * Nenad waves [21:59] Last time this happened a random warrior was missig from the hill when it was fixed [21:59] * John waves [21:59] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [21:59] It just vanished! :-( [21:59] It could be any one of you [22:00] i really doubt the hill is going to be fixed with ;kills [22:00] * Neogryzor waves late [22:00] It worked once before, but it doesn't look like it will work this time :-( [22:01] * Neogryzor proposes to kill Hullab3loo. It is wrongly written, thats the problem! [22:02] Hehe, wrong [22:03] well, we can switch to tiny hill for the moment :) [22:03] or try crashing some other hill [22:03] I'd be very happy to see more action at standard hill [22:04] Bulldozed doesn't have any real competition [22:06] Yes, please push a few of my warriors off of the tiny hill [22:06] Then I'll make some more [22:06] * Neogryzor takes a pic of the 94nop hill, just in case. Like "Hey, i was up there!". [22:07] TinyBlowrag is off, noticed? [22:07] Yes :-( [22:07] But now Digital Swarm is oldest [22:07] (it was the oldest) [22:08] Tiny it fine the way it is ;-) [22:09] Can White Noise's clear be improved [22:09] Right. Nenad, don't send anything there today! :) [22:09] I was just thinking about that :) [22:09] Maybe by making the djn.f move forwards [22:10] You mean removing the trash code? [22:10] Like in WriteLn('Victory'); [22:10] Removing the trash improved the score by about 3 points when I tried it [22:11] I have a cleaned version somewhere [22:11] My warrior (Sneaky2) is a optimized version of White Noise.. [22:12] But I tried giving it my own swing (making it probably a bit worse :P) [22:12] Mee too. But it scores worse against some others. It acts nicely as a decoy against backwards scanning oneshots [22:13] (i refer the trash code) [22:14] oups! [22:15] I just realized how I crashed 94nop :) [22:15] Actualy (now looking at the code) Sneaky Spike 2 more looks like S774++ [22:15] I copied the warrior twice by mistake, so in the same mail, there were ;redcode-94m and ;redcode-94nop versions of the same warrior [22:15] Nenad: please don't tell it in public [22:16] so it challenged 94nop in multiwarrior way... funny :) [22:17] Thats odd.. [22:17] but wait, all that comes after the END line isn't ignored or did it have two headers inside? [22:17] after the first end was the other warrior [22:17] the first was 94m [22:17] and the second 94nop [22:18] apparently it wasn't ignored... [22:18] you finally found the bug [22:23] pmars looks at the warrior source differently to the way the Koth scripts look at the warrior source [22:23] heh. it seems that Muskrat didn't do all that well against this oneshot [22:24] :-( [22:24] Leave Muskrat alone. [22:24] The tiny hill needs a bomber [22:24] perhaps I should optimize it later... if I could improve the score by a few points, it would be nice [22:25] Muskrat is on top of the hill. so it is safe... [22:25] for now :) [22:26] Not bad when everyone once said only oneshot would do well on the tiny hill [22:26] Yeah, it has been ther for too long, * Muahahahaha! * [22:26] yes, well if a strategy can do well, so can it's counterstrategy [22:26] let's all go for paper [22:27] :-( [22:30] Anyway, there will be enough oneshots for Muskrat to feed from. [22:30] A paper boom would provoque an inmediate oneshot boom. [22:31] so, send some paper then :) I'll take care of a oneshot boom [22:32] bye everyone [22:32] /me waves [22:32] The one taking profit of that would be probably White Noise [22:32] MSG: Quit: simulations just ruin dreams [22:33] * Neogryzor waves [22:33] * Nenad waves [22:34] I've got to go, too. :( [22:34] * Nenad waves [22:34] * Neogryzor waves [22:34] * Roy waves [22:34] MSG: [22:38] me too, going now [22:38] * Neogryzor waves [22:39] MSG: Quit: Physical Wreck IRC webscript: http://www.pswclan.com/cgi-bin/irc/irc.cgi [22:39] * John waves [23:21] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [23:22] MSG: Quit: using sirc version 2.211+ssfe [23:55] Ok, I made a tiny paper... curious now [23:56] Dammit!! :-( didn't make it [23:57] MSG: