[02:10] MSG: Quit: Leaving [08:55] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [12:20] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [12:35] Join: into` joined #corewars [13:14] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [13:27] Join: sf joined #corewars [13:40] MSG: Quit: I was using TinyIRC! Visit http://www.tinyirc.net/ for more information. [14:32] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [14:41] Join: deckar joined #corewars [14:51] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [15:43] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [16:11] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [16:17] MSG: Quit: 12• IRcap [7.51] 12• http://www.ircap.net 12• [16:37] hrm. [16:37] hrm. [16:37] sf was here.. I better go survey the nano damage [16:40] Join: Numak joined #corewars [16:44] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [16:52] I wonder who raptor is.. [16:53] hrm.. [16:53] 94b too.. [16:53] intersting.. [16:53] we've got a beginner on nano :) [16:53] i think there has been a raptor visiting here once [16:53] he's got soemthing ranked #5 too.. [16:54] man.. [16:54] we've passed 3k challenges [16:55] that meants we've done almost 200 challenges in the last few days [16:55] craazy. [16:56] Russ the Lion Tamer? [16:56] lol [16:57] that metcalf. [16:58] I need to send glabarga a beer or something for being the 3000th nano customer. [16:59] Topic Change: bvowk sets topic: http://www.corewar.info - http://www.corewar.co.uk - http://www.koth.org [datagram: Tournament; Email me!] Sal: 3000th [17:00] Topic Change: bvowk sets topic: http://www.corewar.info - http://www.corewar.co.uk - http://www.koth.org [datagram: Tournament; Email me!] 3000th nano [17:00] Topic Change: bvowk sets topic: http://www.corewar.info - http://www.corewar.co.uk - http://www.koth.org [datagram Tourny! Email me!] 3k Nano Challenge [17:01] Topic Change: bvowk sets topic: http://www.corewar.info - http://www.corewar.co.uk - http://www.koth.org [datagram Tourny! Email me!] >3k Nano Challs! [17:01] sorry about all that noise.. [17:13] Join: deckar joined #corewars [17:25] damnit, got sweaty hands [17:25] i guess there arent many air-conditioned xbox-controllers though [17:26] or any that would fit my hands, on that matter [17:46] MSG: Quit: Lost terminal [17:46] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [17:47] heh [18:15] Join: datagram joined #corewars [18:39] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [18:39] hi [18:40] hi N [18:58] MSG: [18:58] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [19:34] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [19:46] MSG: [20:14] Join: sascha joined #corewars [20:36] MSG: Quit: Kopete 0.10 : http://kopete.kde.org [21:03] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [21:03] MSG: Quit: humhum