[06:25] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [07:20] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out [07:23] Join: pak21 joined #corewars [10:05] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [10:05] :-) [10:08] * datagram is making ze encryption in python [10:09] ?? [10:09] All I need is in PyCrypto at http://amk.ca :-) [10:14] writing some encryption shtuff for a project [10:21] implement ROT13 and nobody will notic :-) [10:21] *notice [10:21] OTP [10:22] Then make sure, that the key is only used once by destroying it right after encryption without notifying the user! [10:23] I know [10:23] Two people who aren't dumbasses will be using the program [10:23] So they know what to do [10:24] No, you didn't understand me. Create the key, crypt the file, delete the original file, delete the key. Only output is: "done". [10:27] Fluffy, They need the key [10:27] both of them [10:27] hmm .. that's stupid ;-) [10:28] Haha, not if you want to decrypt it [10:28] You've only talked about encryption so far! [10:28] If you are dynamically generating the pad then they both have to get a copy before it is destroyed [10:32] Details ... [10:34] if you are generating the pad at the time you create the message [10:34] then it needs to be created THEN, and both parties wouldn't already have a copy of the key [10:34] Right? [10:34] So if you destroy it, the reciever would never have the key to be able to decrypt the message... [10:35] Yes, that was my intention ;-) [10:35] The real solution is to have both parties use a pre-created pad that they both have and use as necessary [10:48] datagram: (Sorry, but today I'm in a counterproductive mood. :-) [10:48] : ) [10:48] I'm doing pretty good as far as productivity [10:50] (Today at least : P) [10:50] In two weeks I finish this quarter of school and I'll get the spring tournament up and running [10:56] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [10:57] Hi Mizcu! [10:57] hf [10:57] Mizcu: too long! [10:57] h [10:57] still too long [10:57] . [10:58] you're almost done improving your replies [10:58] Mizcu: Yes, now it is better ;-) [11:04] http://bash.org/?636447 [11:11] http://bash.org/?634091 [11:14] the last one! :P [11:34] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out [11:37] Join: pak21 joined #corewars [12:04] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [13:09] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [13:19] Part: Fluffy left #corewars [16:25] hrm. [16:26] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [16:28] Join: MrTFlop joined #corewars [16:28] hrm. [16:30] * MrTFlop wonders where fluffy went [16:37] * MrTFlop performs a dark ritual to summon SF, culminating in sacrificing some code (computer generated of course) on the altar of nano. [16:40] WTF?! [16:40] *THAT* scored 9th?! [16:40] SF! WTF have you done to nano! [17:12] Nick Change: MrTFlop changed nick to MrTFlOP [17:26] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [17:27] Join: Puffy joined #corewars [17:28] greets [17:28] hello [17:30] you're not fluffy are you :) [17:31] obviously not [17:31] I was like.. wtf.. jens sure isn't talkitive today.. [17:31] so hello, completely different, not fluffy person. [17:32] doing anything interesting? [17:32] hi MrI'mnotbvowk :) [17:32] heh [17:33] I decided to change my nick for a while.. [17:34] i'm still waiting that load of beer... [17:34] you never sent me any information on how to get you beer/pay your tab [17:34] excuses.. [17:35] bah. [17:35] doing anything interesting? [17:35] btw, what have you guys done to nano? [17:35] I wasn't expecting that submission to even make it on the hill :) [17:36] I'm about to optimize a bit for nano... if i can surpass my tireness+lazyness [17:38] * MrTFlOP can surpass the lazyness of anyone. [17:38] (its why I need the TFlOPs you know) [17:38] :) [17:38] 7th and 9th. [17:39] not bad, not bad... [17:39] though we have a warrior in 3rd position :) [17:41] And Hillis published some of his warriors. Now we know what are we facing off [17:42] Join: Neogryzor joined #corewars [17:42] much better.. [17:42] MSG: Quit: Physical Wreck IRC webscript: http://www.pswclan.com/cgi-bin/irc/irc.cgi [17:48] yeah, I was kinda shocked :) [17:49] I wasn't aware hillis was watching the NG [18:06] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [18:12] Nick Change: Neogryzor changed nick to Neo_aslee [18:14] Nick Change: Neo_aslee changed nick to NeoAsleep [18:36] Join: Roy joined #corewars [18:37] http://www.uoregon.edu/~linke/climbingdroplets/index.html :-) [18:38] Future: a heat-self-propelling-water-cooler (?) [18:55] MSG: [18:56] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [18:57] hi [18:57] hi Nenad! [18:57] :) how are you? preparing your entries, I hope. [18:58] Err.. not really [18:58] Just started on my new job, lot of travelling and learning :( [18:58] as you can see, I've survived the marathon, so I'm awaiting for a few more entries to come before the deadline. [18:58] oh. [18:58] btw, congrats for Hulla3 [18:58] nothing less was expected anyway :) [18:58] But I'll hack something together now... when is the deadline? [18:59] And congrats on finishing it, how long did it take? [18:59] well, in 3 days, however - my normal computer is a little ... err... dead, so - until it's repaired, I won't be able to run the round [19:01] Hehe :) [19:01] well, actually - we haven't finished the whole 100, because we were a little... lost... there are many marked paths, and we took a wrong turn somewhere and walked the wrong way, and ended up at the starting point after some 50 km walk.. so, I'll try walking the full distance next year again... this time, with a map. [19:01] hehehe [19:01] Ohw man.. that had to hurt.. [19:02] well, you can imagine the frustration [19:02] we haven't even noticed that we were going the wrong way [19:02] until we saw the "start" flag hanging above our heads [19:03] RIP: Karel Appel.. [19:03] (one of my favourite abstract artists) [19:03] well, it obviously takes more than three cs students to find a path through the forest :) [19:03] Hehe [19:03] link? [19:04] http://images.google.nl/images?hl=nl&q=karel%20appel&sa=N&tab=wi [19:08] interesting paintings.. although a little too colourfull for my taste [19:09] Heh well, so is Keith Herring, but also very populair :) [19:09] *keith Haring [19:14] Ok, a question for all Java-haters here (a lot..) what is your opinion to Groovy (http://groovy.codehaus.org)..? [19:51] * Nenad waves [19:51] MSG: [20:11] hrm. [20:18] MSG: Quit: humhum [20:27] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [20:31] MSG: