[01:02] MSG: [08:47] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [08:58] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [09:19] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [09:30] R2 results will be up shortly [09:36] Whoo! Big upsets this round [09:54] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [10:17] Mizcu, You won [10:19] mm-hm [10:24] Roy did well overall, though [10:24] results in a few minutes [10:28] There we go [10:32] I also noticed that I screwed up the brackets, so I made a nice fancy one... [10:36] seems Kiss was popular this round [10:41] Indeed [11:09] Everythings updated [11:09] Goodnight [11:13] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [11:39] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [11:54] MSG: [12:33] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [13:14] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [14:44] Join: sf joined #corewars [14:44] Hello [14:46] Amazing, I've not been knocked out yet. [14:46] :) [14:47] By the time I saw the rules I didn't have time to write anything [14:47] So I entered an imp and hoped Sascha wouldn't send anything ;) [14:48] Unusual strategy paid off :P [15:09] Join: heath joined #corewars [15:22] Hi Heath [15:23] Join: Neogryzor joined #corewars [15:24] wee [15:25] everyone sleeping? [15:28] mmmh, must go [15:28] * Neogryzor waves [15:28] MSG: Client Quit [15:29] Hi Neo [15:29] No, not sleeping :( [15:43] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [15:43] hi [15:44] Hi Chris :) [15:44] hi :) [15:50] Join: Core29 joined #corewars [15:51] Hi Core29 [15:51] hi [15:51] hi [15:51] Hello sf. [15:51] I lost. :( [15:51] :( [15:51] hi heath [15:52] Hey Fizmo. [15:52] I won because Sascha didn't send an entry [15:52] Otherwise I would have lost too [15:54] I added Watership Down to the Dystopian Literature page on Wikipedia [15:54] But they keep removing it :( [15:55] mh [15:55] haven't seen V for Vendetta... [15:55] good film? [15:56] I haven't seen the movie but I read the book [15:56] ah [15:56] It isn't a good book. Story is ok but nothing special [15:56] I see [15:57] In my opinion creative use of language helps make a good book. Film novelisations seem to lack it. [15:58] There have been some big changes on the nano hill [15:59] 8 of the top 10 are handwritten [16:00] Neo, Roy, John, Raptor and me have all been king recently [16:00] Dave Hillis isn't on there any more :( [16:00] ok gotta go watch world cup [16:01] hehe [16:01] * Fizmo waves [16:01] bye bye [16:01] hehehe [16:01] MSG: [16:01] what ist Dystopian Literature? [16:01] * sf waves [16:01] Books about Dystopian societies [16:02] Like 1984 [17:23] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [17:52] MSG: Quit: I was using TinyIRC! Visit http://www.tinyirc.net/ for more information. [17:53] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [17:53] :) [17:57] MSG: Client Quit [18:52] Join: bvowk joined #corewars [18:52] hrm. [19:03] tommorrow Ken Thompson is going to be giving a talk to the local unix group.. [19:03] that'll be cool.. its like god coming to talk to your church group... [19:38] man. this place is quiet today. [19:44] yes it is [21:05] MSG: Quit: humhum [21:12] Join: Roy joined #corewars [21:12] Congrats Mizcu :) [21:12] (lucky bastard ;-)) [21:19] and bvowk: [21:19] Probably not this Ken Thompson...?? [21:19] http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/americas/06/12/canada.thomson.reut/index.html [21:19] But the other one ;-) [21:23] MSG: