[05:38] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out [06:55] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [08:18] http://www.turboexplorer.com/ [11:44] Join: Roy joined #corewars [11:45] Hi! [11:47] MSG: Client Quit [11:59] Join: Core_old joined #corewars [12:03] Join: multimode joined #corewars [12:49] Join: fiveop_ joined #corewars [12:52] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [15:00] MSG: Quit: Lost terminal [15:14] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [17:19] Join: Nenad joined #corewars [17:20] hi Nenad [17:20] hi [17:20] just hopped in for a short visit (while taking a break from studying) [17:21] Got a headache so cant talk that much anyway [17:22] * Nenad recommends a nice cup of tea to Miz [17:23] i recommend myself some sleep [17:23] Join: sf_ghoul joined #corewars [17:23] Hello [17:23] hi sf, bvowks been looking for oyu [17:23] Hi Mizcu [17:24] I've been looking for bvowky too! [17:24] And fluff doesn't seem to have been here for ages :( [17:28] MSG: Quit: I was using TinyIRC! Visit http://www.tinyirc.net/ for more information. [17:39] MSG: [20:41] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [23:04] MSG: Quit: Lost terminal