[06:24] how can a parser differentiate between JMP A - B and A, - B? argl [06:24] i mean, when it allows to separate fields with whitespace [10:01] magic [10:11] Join: Core_old joined #corewars [10:15] thank, miz, i already built in some magic to the parser *G* [10:59] the only problem is, that you have to plug a crystal to the main bus of the computer, for the magic to happen [11:37] Join: Core_old_ joined #corewars [11:40] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [12:01] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [12:03] :) [12:03] ahoi [12:04] good news: zoom 8x, 16x and 20x implemented... release today, i suppose *hooray* [12:06] nice :) [12:06] core also shows first letter of opc [12:09] how large is tiny? [12:10] 800? [12:10] you can see the settings at the bottom of http://sal.math.ualberta.ca/hill.php?key=tiny [12:11] thx... i hoped you knew it, i was lazy [12:11] copying the links was faster than writing down the settings [12:12] 800 is just perfect - fills the window in default size exactly [12:12] :) [12:41] bom shiva shankar [12:41] which translates to? [12:41] Hi Mizcu! [12:41] sounds like we have to expect some very strange warriors on the hills [12:42] pretty much "Praise Shiva, for whom glory i shall smoke pot" [12:42] ares: which hill? [12:43] i dont know, on which hill mizcu is playing now [12:43] http://www.meade4m.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?ID=116 - some nice animated gifs with the last flares :) [12:44] wow [12:44] when i look to this, i dont need shiva anymore [12:46] hare hare mahadev, om namah shivaya [12:46] aum [12:47] yes, i am tired, yes, i have eaten my happypill for today, yes, i have caffeine in my blood stream, yes, i am listening to goa [12:48] someone have a problem with that? [12:48] no, except you seem to have blood in your coffe [12:48] like me [12:48] i dont drink coffee [12:49] obelix [12:50] hmm ... must be a christmas thing, because everybody, that you both say doesn't make sense [12:50] pray to shiva and learn to understand [12:51] Nope, I'll never do that. [12:52] the bhodisattva is sorry for you [12:52] but as a programmer, you should be used to think in weird paths, shouldn't you? [12:56] Yes, but it seems to be that I'm immune to religion or spiritual experiences ;) [12:57] nobody is perfect. [12:57] not even you, F [12:58] i hope, we are at least allowed to adore you, Fluffy [12:58] (singing) *praise the furry king of the hill* [13:02] Maybe you should tell me on which hill I'm koth, because I can't find any [13:03] we belive in you, great fluffy [13:03] the time will come [13:05] damnit damnit damnit [13:06] ooookkkaaaayyy? [13:06] cant get this scanner to score as i want [13:08] and this keyboard has gone nuts [13:12] why is a   called non breakable space, when all the browsers break it?? [13:13] it is "non-breaking space" [13:14] i still hate it [13:14] and it should prevent an automatic line break [13:15] i try to belive, fluffy [13:15] ... which is probably not enough ;) [13:23] stupid - server says "sorry youre killing bandwidth", when i want to retrive a pic. now i have to download the whole page with many other images *g* [13:23] they might have problems with bandwidth theft [13:24] theft? only way i know, would be linking images from another website [13:24] yup [13:26] fluffy: do you ever need to restart the x server? [13:26] except for basic recofiguration... [13:26] reconfiguration? [13:26] what should I wnat to reconfigure? [13:27] drivers etc... i need to reboot my xp some time, because its somehow slow... and i wonder if that happens with some kde or similar ui's on unix [13:27] lol [13:27] no [13:28] maybe its something with the swap [13:28] didnt configure it... you know, the great windows wizards [13:28] Of course you have to restart it after you've installed a new version of X Windows, but that doesn't happen very often [13:29] I usually update X Windows when I install a completely new LFS [13:29] version [13:29] maybe its only firefox [13:29] but apart from that you can change almost all "drivers" without rebooting/whatever [13:30] simply unload a module(i.e. diver) and load the new one [13:30] maybe i dont need a reboot, but a restart of the browser... i dont even remember, when i opened it... its quite new to me, that a pc is running for weeks... [13:30] i know, linux is great... you can exchange the user without rebooting the chair, he was sitting on [13:30] only when I compile a new kernel I reboot [13:31] (or switch off the computer ;-) [13:31] Is there any reason why you ask? [13:31] i had a closer look to the kernel (especially the network drivers) and to the init process... unix is _beatuiful_ [13:32] I wouldn't say beautiful, but it does its job [13:32] i just was curious... and some time, when i find enough energy to read a thousand manuals, readmes and tutorials, i will install a graphical linux... [13:33] i think its elegant, becaues it is using so simple techniques... everything transparent... but thats the problem... you need to study tons of source [13:34] nah ... you only need to know what you have to do ;-) [13:34] hahah... [13:34] ... and there is nothing that can't be done with a nice shell script [13:34] thats the beauty [13:37] ohkay... cpu usage 100% for > 40 secs now after closing firefox [13:38] yeah - its fast again [13:38] yes, firefox can be a nasty memory/cpu hog [13:56] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [14:31] MSG: Quit: Leaving. [14:38] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [15:12] http://wiicade.com/Data/27/game.swf [15:12] cool - pong 3d [17:41] Join: John joined #corewars [17:41] Hi :-) [17:41] hi [17:41] * John shakes Fluffy [17:41] Hi Mizcu [17:51] Hi John [17:51] Aha, you've woken up at last ;-) [17:52] John: Is the Silver Ribbon on nano the one, that I've sent you? [17:52] Yes [17:52] :( [17:52] I have the same problem with benchmarks [17:52] Benchmark score is much higher, the actual hill score is lower or the same [17:52] At least there is lotds [17:54] Yes, nice score for a scanner/imp - was in 2nd place yesterday [17:55] Let's hope that it lives for a while [17:56] John: The nanoHoF is even more out of date now! [18:03] Quickstart setting for Yace and nano - http://corewar.co.uk/yacenano.zip [18:03] cfg file and 20 warrior benchmark [18:07] yay! [18:08] Why yay? [18:08] nice for as lazy people as me [18:08] Mizcu: Does that mean, that we can see soon nano warrior from your on the hill? [18:08] Fluff: no [18:09] A few points off the hill bvowk, and your names get worse! [18:09] It generated a warrior that got on the hill after 15 minutes [18:10] orly [18:11] hey fluffy, did you see my latest entry? [18:11] The benchmark has the same percentage of each warrior type as the hill - which is always handy ;-) [18:11] * John saw [18:11] I think perhaps its finally starting to work as expected! [18:11] Gotta go in 2 mins [18:12] bvowk: Nice, but you're still not on the hill :) [18:12] fluffy: no, but that was 4 hours on my laptop :) [18:13] with 4 hours on my PIII 866 I've created Vera City I [18:13] * John waves [18:13] hey met! [18:13] * Fluffy waves [18:13] cya! [18:13] happy new year and all that! [18:13] with 15 mins I evolved my way onto the hill with yace from scratch :-P [18:14] MSG: Quit: mov.i #1,1 [18:15] little tweak on the cfg and yace running now (on low priority at same time with azureus) [18:17] 86755 bvowk 1 121 0 94848K 76220K CPU3 3 1:23 98.89% python [18:17] 86757 bvowk 1 121 0 94848K 76220K CPU1 1 1:10 98.88% python [18:17] 86756 bvowk 1 121 0 94580K 76140K CPU2 2 1:15 98.67% python [18:17] 86750 bvowk 1 121 0 94852K 76024K RUN 0 1:29 97.66% python [18:17] hmm [18:18] And when will you implement the new naming scheme, bvowk? [18:20] hhe [18:20] when the interesting part works [18:20] which is? [18:20] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [18:20] the part I'm working on now? [18:21] Hi fiveop [18:21] MSG: Client Quit [18:21] bvowk: Can you be a little bit more verbose? [18:21] fluffy: when it evolves stuff worth naming, I'll work on the naming [18:21] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [18:22] there [18:22] there what? [18:23] 132.1 points [18:23] hill? [18:23] metcalf's nano-bench [18:24] Do you want a warrior, which scores > 160 against that benchmark? [18:24] dont care [18:25] so far only spl/mov -crap, but i really doubt finding a starting-set to create anything else [18:25] maybe once per 200 [18:26] 154 so far best [18:30] Join: Core_old joined #corewars [18:32] 158 in 10 minutes [18:32] Try it on the hill :) [18:32] tweaked the settings and trying again [18:32] Join: willvarfa joined #corewars [18:32] Hi willvarfa [18:32] hey wil! [18:32] hi will [18:32] merry xmas! [18:32] willvarfa: huh? A little bit late maybe [18:33] bah. [18:33] Will, have you had a project on making ins_tables for nano, or making a version that doesnt need them? [18:33] * bvowk hopes the atheists will win the war on xmas soon. [18:33] I would be interested on just seeing what Species could do in Nano-enviroment [18:34] bvowk: Do you mean that only the presents will be the important part? [18:34] no, I mean that it'll die and we can get on with having a nice new years celebration [18:35] as I recall, there are other instruction generators e.g. weighted random [18:36] but Mizcu, ins_tables in nano might not be so interesting if they are weighted by the warriors produced by evolvers [18:37] will, quite correct, which is why id rather see randomity used [18:37] * willvarfa goes to look at the cvs to see the ini file [18:39] much new? [18:39] quite little [18:39] the contest going well? [18:40] for me, ok by scores, but i feel awfully tired about this round [18:40] so what has everybody been up to? [18:40] its quite a full channel [18:41] generating nano warriors [18:41] and working on PyCorewar [18:45] Mizcu: still waiting for sf to load.. [18:46] in the meantime, waching what yace is churning out [18:47] kinda strange thing spreading in the warriors.. [18:48] boost of 6 points, 151 reach [18:48] but still awfully boring kots (king of the soup) [18:50] Mizcu: While you wait for better kots I have little link for you: http://www.atomfilms.com/film/frog_bender2000.jsp?channelKeyword=channel_joe_cartoon [18:50] kinda late you are, i saw that one a looong time ago [18:51] something for bvowk: http://www.attrition.org/postal/z/033/0871.html [18:51] Fluffy: microwave hamster was better [18:55] 156.7 with this batch [18:59] Mizcu: no luck getting cvs.sf.net to respond :-( [18:59] darnd [19:04] so Mizcu, yes you can use weighted random, but you'll have to look at the code to see how, since I can't get at the code right now myself [19:11] right [19:16] 149 reached in 5 minutes [19:16] I still don't see a warrior on nano ;) [19:17] i get too good scores from the evolver and that makes me suspicious [19:17] it warrior worthy if it has not fought for its position? [19:18] yes? [19:18] (i wonder who said me to be too cruel when optimaxing warriors, when i had 99% failure rate..) [19:21] (or was it over 100:1 , no matter) [19:23] happy new year everyone! [19:23] * willvarfa waves [19:23] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [19:26] MSG: Quit: Leaving. [19:27] threshold-wall reached, with one instruction not used, this can be good, or bad [19:43] 159 reac [19:43] h [19:55] Join: Core_old_ joined #corewars [19:55] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [20:02] score oscillates around 154.. [20:09] bleh [20:44] 160 broken [21:04] hmm, now i even might get on to the hill.. [21:05] not that i care about a position next to bvowk [21:07] 166.6 [21:31] were art though, oh breakthrough [21:31] thou, not though [23:31] damn. [23:31] I was hoping that one would have done better