[03:36] Join: ares_ joined #corewars [03:38] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [07:15] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [10:04] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [10:04] :) [10:22] MSG: Quit: fluffy.i < 1, # 42 [10:45] Join: sf_ghoul joined #corewars [10:45] Hello [10:49] * sf_ghoul checks out Bloc Party [10:53] null dancers = dull scanner [10:53] * sf_ghoul cracked the code first :P [10:55] hot nose = oneshot [10:55] ;) [11:53] Join: Roy joined #corewars [12:21] pi mapper > imp paper [12:34] Hi Roy [12:35] Hi [12:35] Didn't see one call pi mapper yet [12:35] Look at gnik's nano warrior names [12:36] gnik had a warrior named pi mapper, but it was pushed off, but the strategy line had the answer :P [12:46] morning [12:46] Hi Miz [12:57] Join: Fizwork joined #corewars [12:57] hello? [12:58] anybody there? [13:05] Hi Miz [13:07] I mean Hi Fiz [13:13] MSG: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout) [13:14] right.. [13:48] hrm [13:49] damn.. [13:49] I mizzed fizz [13:49] Hi Bvowk [13:50] sf! [13:50] You'll soon have a new nano hof warrior! [13:50] you live [13:50] indeed! [13:51] damn.. how'd fluffy get koth. [13:52] cheating? [13:52] you were almost completely off the hill sf! [13:52] miz: with his lacking evolver skillz, it can be the only way! ;) [13:53] that's why I'm here today! [13:53] to get back on the hill [13:54] what? you don't come here for the conversation? [13:54] we're all hurt... right miz? [13:54] look! you've made mizcu cry.. are you happy now?! [13:57] Well I came here for the conversation while I'm on the comp trying to make new warriors! [13:57] I'm usually here when I'm on the comp for any length of time [13:57] Sorry Miz! [13:57] Woo! go sf! [13:57] hey roy [13:57] Hi again :) [13:58] fscking great, out of pills, and i dont know where my prescription is [13:58] ma' knows, but she aint here [14:02] sorry miz, sf promises to be nice now ;) [14:04] I promise [14:04] * sf_ghoul growls at bvowk [14:05] * Roy pets sf [14:09] That's all my nano warriors for today [14:09] Haven't you got a couple to help you read the hof bvowk? [14:10] Afterall, you're down to 12 warriors [14:15] sf I've got some.. [14:16] I've just sent my last one [14:17] There's two warriors with identical names [14:24] yeah, I double subbed one [14:30] ouch. [14:30] that's kinda sad [14:33] What's sad? [14:39] how badly those two warriors did [15:17] MSG: Quit: I was using TinyIRC! Visit http://www.tinyirc.net/ for more information. [15:19] days just turning more and more perfect.. [15:20] i've lost my base-file for the scheduletable, and so i have to rebuild one [15:30] afk [16:49] Join: Core_old joined #corewars [16:50] hey core [18:06] MSG: Quit: dat [18:12] back [18:18] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [18:24] Join: Core_old joined #corewars [18:38] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [18:46] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [18:50] :| [18:52] h floff [18:57] greetings humans! [18:57] whats wrong fluffy? [19:00] The world doesn't behave the way I'd like it to behave. [19:00] but apart from that: [19:00] heh [19:00] bvowk: Have you seen how your feeble warriors do on the nano-hill? [19:00] :))))) [19:00] yeah, those were old stock ;) [19:01] I forgot about a box that I'd left running [19:01] :) [19:04] bb tomorrow [19:05] * Fluffy waves to Mizcu [19:08] My stupid mail server still has problems. It keeps throwing old messages randomly at me. [19:08] * bvowk mocks fluffy [19:08] And of course they are all spam [19:09] * bvowk mocks fluffy yet again! [19:10] * Fluffy starts to pant for revenge [19:10] But on the other hand ... [19:10] * Fluffy is nano-koth [19:10] AND YOUR ARE NOT, bvowk! [19:11] nana hehe nana! [19:13] It seems as if I've won! [19:15] I was nanokoth earlier [19:15] and I have far more warriors on the hill than you do ;) [19:16] Yes, but mine have nice names! [19:17] yes, but mine have nice code ;) [19:18] (its whats inside that counts you know ;)) [19:18] lol [19:19] speaking of corewars tho.. [19:19] yup [19:20] you had said you could export pycorewars code to a C lib? [19:20] is that actually true? [19:20] do you mean, that you could extract the C code and use it without the Python wrapper? [19:20] *could -> can [19:21] yeah [19:21] you had indicated it was possible.. [19:21] yes, that's quite easy [19:21] but I didn't see it from looking at the code.. [19:21] Take the file src/BenchMARS94nop.c (you can find the run methods there) [19:22] and all files, that are included [19:23] the parser is all python tho right? [19:23] BenchMARS.h, BenchMARS94nop.*, BenchMacros.h, BenchPositioning.*, BenchWarrior.*, Instruction.h, MyTypes.h [19:23] yes, the parser is completely written in Python [19:24] so I'd need to write my own parser then :/ [19:24] likely better to just use exhaust :) [19:24] ok [19:24] But you have enough computrons to pay the overhead, that Python causes [19:25] at least for nano [19:25] and for tiny/94nop you can neglect the overhead, because most of the time is spent with the benchmarks [19:26] no, I wanted to use it on my lisp version [19:27] because pycorewars is pretty fast [19:27] hmm [19:27] Why don't you write a simplified parsers, which can only read loadfiles [19:27] that should be enough for nano [19:28] and converting those few benchmark warriors into load files shouldn't be a problem [19:28] I hate writing parsers ;) [19:29] the ask HWMNBN or pvk to write them :) [19:29] heh [19:29] at least you can ask ;) [19:29] pk's parser would scare me tho [19:29] you only have to use it not to understand it [19:30] it would be so effective it would actually end up being negative lines of code.. [19:30] yes, that might be a problem [19:30] and every time I used it I'd feel a little smaller ;) [19:30] your computrons will turn into black holes [19:32] ... and don't you feel smaller when a tiny program, which uses only one cpu, outperforms your supa-dupa-evolver? ;-) [19:32] not possible, the computron is only hypothetical [19:32] I remember to have heard about virtual black holes ;) [19:36] heh [19:36] I wish there was a computron capacitor.. [19:37] so you could stuff all the unused computrons somewhere, and then pull off that souce when the levels dropped ;) [19:38] You should patent it! [19:38] You'll make millions of $ as soon as someone will have invented it [19:39] we'll call it a compu-sink! [19:39] http://www.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/city/pages/ab-50_metric_e.html [19:39] wtf is that all about? [19:39] its -30C one week, its +1C the next? [19:40] That's climate-FUD! [19:40] back in my day you could count on the weather here.. 8 months of the year, its winter, you need a *PARKA* to live, the rest of the time you can get away with just a jacket [19:42] It is time to start a WoW! [19:42] War on Weather [20:03] * Fluffy waves [20:03] MSG: Quit: fluffy.i < 1, # 42 [20:09] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [20:19] http://harald.ist.org/help_julie_amero [20:22] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [20:23] I've just read the logs. [20:23] * Fluffy kicks Roy [20:23] Now I feel better [20:32] MSG: Quit: Leaving. [21:05] Join: heath joined #corewars [21:35] MSG: Quit: leaving [21:56] Join: Roy joined #corewars [21:58] Fluffy, I didn't start it, my typo did! [22:56] MSG: