[07:03] 1 hour, 2 minutes [07:03] really, really hard here in the programming-course [07:03] (so i made the work and homework in third of the time allocated) [07:11] who's fine idea was to spam nano with over 300 warriors, hmm? [07:11] takes fucking eternity to clear the mail [12:13] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [13:07] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [13:07] Join: ares joined #corewars [15:28] still silent? [15:28] miz: it was my idea.. [15:28] don't worry, I'm working on pushing you off, and it won't be a problem after that [16:08] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [17:10] hrm. [17:36] Join: Core_old joined #corewars [17:50] Join: ares joined #corewars [17:50] hrm. [17:52] cool.. I've got 7 of the top 10 spots :) [18:08] considering 4 of them have same instructions, i am not impressed [18:08] miz, its nano.. [18:08] *EVERYTHING* has spl mov djn [18:08] the scanners add jmz [18:08] and thats all there is on nano. [18:09] nanoqscan [18:09] rumpel [18:09] my lost warrior [18:09] well, it did have spl mov djn, but it was different [18:10] and peasoup has a non-splmovdjn in it too ;) [20:47] bvowk must've been an analog spammer in the previous life [20:51] eh? [20:51] maybe a little OCD. [21:08] orly [22:22] Join: Neo joined #corewars [22:22] hello [22:24] hello [22:26] been a while, Neo [22:27] a long while [22:28] hehe, hi guys [22:28] Yeah, I have been a bit out of corewar lately.. [22:29] Not much free time, and got hooked by Travian.. :) [22:31] sounds like a prescription drug ;) [22:31] haha. It's an on-line game, hooks like a drug thouh [22:32] this is an online game ;) [22:32] well, there are 16 warriors on nano that *AREN'T* mine.. [22:32] I have seen you were a little busy spamming on nano [22:33] well, I've got reams and reams and reams of solid warriors being spit out.. [22:34] I've submitted less than the top 0.001% so far. [22:34] god thank! [22:34] Your evolver has changed a bit then. [22:34] yup [22:35] it's really simple.. [22:35] there's no way it should work as well as it does... [22:35] Join: Core_old_ joined #corewars [22:35] Are those thingies core clears? [22:36] mmrm-nm [22:36] I've got clears and scanners... [22:36] come on, give me a clue to go back to nano [22:36] the scanners are really slick... and they did well for a while, but sadly, my evolved stuff evolved to abuse them too badly :( [22:38] hahaha. Scanners are quite vulnerable, but can addapt well to different opponents. Nice to see that you evolved scanners finally. [22:38] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [22:38] I've evolved *PILES* of scanners.. [22:38] its kinda shocking.. [22:39] I'm thinking what to do to try the hill now. [22:40] stay away ;) [22:40] (I'm just kidding..) [22:40] heh. Don't be afraid. I have lost my nano skills i think [22:41] I've got zuls warrior down around the 45 mark! [22:41] perhaps the time of Petro is drawing to an end? [22:42] I guess your evolver is automatically submitting... [22:42] no, thats me. [22:42] oh [22:43] so its kinda the same thing, really [22:43] lol [22:44] yes, except this way is a little more sad... says I need to get out more. [22:48] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [22:49] I have heard there are warriors using imps on nano, know something? [22:56] none of mine do [22:56] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [23:01] Join: Neo joined #corewars [23:01] got disconnected [23:01] I gathered that by you being all disconnected and all :) [23:03] :) [23:22] mmm.. getting closer [23:24] m' yace has gone nuts [23:25] only 3-liners [23:27] nop/nop/jmp 0 ? :) [23:29] just a bad joke [23:51] Ugh! When i submit something, it is immediatelly buried by tons of evolved bastards