[00:15] AGH [00:15] wrong button and 500 notepads open [02:31] MSG: Quit: Lost terminal [03:34] somehow i think blowfish is not exactly a best mascot to an OS [03:34] except a Microsoft-product [07:52] yes! yes! no! no! [07:54] just had a nice one coming, and it got outplayed by those that i hate [10:58] Join: Retro joined #corewars [10:58] mornin [10:58] I was hoping this channel wouldn't be too dead :) [11:02] then again maybe it is... anyone about? [11:32] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [11:32] :) [11:32] Hi Retro [11:32] I've just read the logs and found that you were waiting :) [11:33] So if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. [11:49] hey fluff [11:49] You've forgotten the 'y' ;-) [11:50] How can I help? [11:50] I've read the logs too :) [11:50] I spent the past few days doing a little study on core war and related programs [11:50] Nice to hear. We always need new players [11:50] (read the newsgroup from the first post to now amongst other things :) [11:51] and I figured I'd drop by and see how things were in the community now [11:51] Hmm ... unfortunately you've chose then wrong time. [11:52] main reason I found core war was because of writing my own similar program [11:52] After about 16:00 UTC people are a little bit more talkative [11:52] ah no problem I'll be around for a while [11:52] You write your own MARS? [11:53] I wrote my own corewar variant independantly actualy, so it's not a "MARS" atm :) [11:53] it has some other instructions but it's quite similar [11:53] Ah, I see. Did you publish it? [11:53] haha no I just built it a week ago :) [11:54] I hope that you have/had fun coding it. [11:54] I'm still working on the second version [11:54] oh yeah a great deal [11:54] I used the first version to evolve a few algorithms for a seminar presentation [11:54] Did they work? [11:55] actualy the second one is more core wars like in nature, the first one was used to operate programs outside the "core" [11:55] yeah, I evolved tank battle programs that duke it out in realtime [11:55] (3d simulated tank battle, although simplistic ofcourse) [11:55] But not RoboCode, right? [11:56] haha no, I wrote the tank program myself too [11:56] Join: Roy joined #corewars [11:56] * Fluffy kicks Roy [11:56] Hi Roy [11:56] Hi FluffY [11:56] And Retro :) [11:57] hey Roy [11:57] Retro: And do you plan to write some "real" warriors (for corewar)? [11:57] you're dutch right? [11:57] You said "Hey Fluff", I like you already ;-) [11:57] Yeah [11:57] me too [11:57] haha [11:57] Waar kom je vandaan dan? :) [11:57] yeah fluffy I'll write a few eventualy [11:57] * Fluffy ups global warming and waits for The Netherlands to be flooded. [11:58] mostly I'm thinking of some rather interesting things tho :) [11:58] Fluffy, don't.... we'll all be fleeing to Germany then, I bet you don't want that [11:58] btw. one of the instructions I'm using in my own Core to great effect is SLP (Sleep) [11:58] managed to implement it in a fairly non exploitable way [11:58] Roy: Think of the fun that I'd have. I could actually kick you ;) [11:59] You won't survive that Fluff [11:59] it sleeps a thread for (A field) cycles of it's own proces [11:59] SLP sounds like fun, intresting things you can do with that [11:59] How do you know, Roy, I can run pretty fast! [11:59] if there's no active threads it wakes a sleeping thread [11:59] and once a sleeping thread wakes up it's told how long it slept (B field) [11:59] And if there are active thread it has a timer? [12:00] yup [12:00] the telling it how long it slept has some neat implications [12:00] Nice, but that could seriously change the game [12:00] since you can use it as a source for a second thread to start if the first dies [12:00] so yes it's a serious change :) [12:01] but then I started without knowing about corewars [12:01] It will probably fade the different strategies.. [12:02] For example you could start a paper and if it gets killed the timer wakes up and starts to clear [12:02] Things like that.. [12:02] It is sad that there are so few (active) players. Otherwise it would probably be fun to test all those variations of corewar. [12:02] yeah, it's still limited ofcourse as your thread won't be auto-waked unless there's 0 threads awake [12:03] oh and roy I'm from Breda [12:04] (late response, lol) [12:05] what I'm currently doing is developing this CoreWar like system of my own design and sugar coating it [12:06] The problem indeed is getting players to play with it [12:06] essentialy I'm writing a smart, full 3D core simulator [12:06] an IDE to go with it [12:06] 3d? [12:06] There are hardly any players which play the normal version, so a new different implementation is harder [12:07] yeah fluffy it's a 3d representation of the core shown as a way to debug your program [12:07] Do you have a screenshot? [12:07] it's just a really accessible and "neat" way to show the system in action [12:07] I'll show you one in a day or 2 once it's up and running with propper graphics [12:08] right now I'm still writing some core interfaces and squeezing a few more megacycles of performance out [12:08] MIPS if you will :P [12:09] So far I haven't found a better acronym than MIPS :) [12:09] yeah :) [12:09] for us tech people that's fine ;) [12:09] tech people? [12:09] You must refer to bvowky with that ;) [12:09] technology savy people ;) [12:10] oh I did read a few MIPS benchmarks in the chat logs Fluffy [12:10] particularly of all the MARS environments [12:10] :) [12:10] but I couldn't see what system they were on so they weren't that usefull to me for comparison [12:10] I was trying to bench my cores performance against the MARS'es out there [12:10] huh? [12:11] and? [12:11] well I still haven't found any MARS benchmarks that stated both the MIPS in redcode and the GHz of the processor running the test [12:11] PyCorewar probably beat all others [12:11] so I didn't get a chance to compare yet [12:12] If I remember correctly I've benchmarked on a PII-866. [12:12] *PIII-866 [12:13] my current core which looks quite a bit like redcode runs at 16 MIPS on a 2.2 GHz (4400+) and 32 when run on both cores, ofcourse I'm not done optimizing yet [12:14] * Retro double checks [12:14] I have about 40-80 MIPS on bvowk's 2.0 GHz. [12:14] 94nop: 40 MIPS, '88: 80 MIPS [12:16] must be quite well optimized code then :) [12:16] mine is still all neat and shiny (no ugly optimalizations yet) but 128 instructions = 1 emulated instruction is a little steep ;) [12:17] The biggest problem is that not all needed data fits into the L2 cache. [12:18] which is odd, I thought it would, altho on several different pages obviously... [12:18] for smaller cores atleast [12:19] for '94nop I need 8000 * (4+4+4) bytes + 80000 * 4 bytes for optimal performance [12:19] that's about 512 KiB, but then then you also need a little bit for the code [12:19] yeah gotcha, the 80000 is for the special thread optimalization you discussed before I guess? [12:20] yes, probably [12:20] yeah you're right that's cutting it close [12:20] hehe ... I can't count [12:20] it is 8000*12 + 80000*4*num_warriors :) [12:20] yeah [12:20] And even that is suboptimal. [12:21] Having everything in L1 would be even better :) [12:21] haha yes [12:22] brb... [12:25] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [12:27] back [12:27] so those are the future threads for all warriors in that 80000*4 array [12:27] though wouldn't it be better for the chache to put those threads into a cyclic list? [12:28] it'd be smaller then the 80000 array [12:28] that 80000-array is nothing but a list of pointers (to a location in the core) [12:28] more like 8000*12 [12:29] yeah I know :) [12:29] I could use a 8000-array (per warrior) [12:29] but that would make the MARS slower [12:29] and I know that too, but then you'd have to loop the array [12:29] which would like you said slow mars down [12:29] I'm always open to improvements (altough I haven't touched PyCorewar in a while) [12:30] however if the size is the issue maybe a single link cyclic list would be better [12:30] it's like [12:30] Yes, then you have that 8000-array-version [12:30] struct node { InstPointer somewhere; node* next; } [12:31] It is nothing more than a simple (cyclic) list [12:31] yeah fluffy, but with the array [12:31] you need to check if arraypos > arraysize and loop [12:31] or alternately used % [12:31] use* [12:31] or any other way to loop the array [12:31] with a cyclic list you don't [12:32] yes and if I'd use a real list I'd have even more code to manage the list [12:32] goddamnit, i spend an hour diving in wikipedia/messaging a buddy/watching vidplayer and youve written a new bible already [12:32] Hi Mizcu [12:32] hehe well it's intresting to theorize about it I guess [12:32] tho doesn't insertion into the array cause you issues? [12:33] Why would I want to insert sth? [12:33] like when a process splits and you need to start accounting for the new thread in the future... [12:33] All I need to do is to take away from the start and append to the end [12:33] ah yes [12:34] ic how you're using it [12:34] haha mind you I need to do a little mental jumping between redcode and my own system [12:34] (due to sleep and such it's not that easy for me) [12:34] No problem :) [12:34] (the sleep instruction that is) [12:35] I do need some strange instertions at times, tho they might be weeded out due to simplification [12:35] Redcode is already convoluted enough. No need to implement SLEEP and all that :) [12:36] I'm trying to somehow ease up on the ammount of modifiers and in general make things look a little "easier" [12:36] the point I was making with the cyclic list is that it doesn't need any memory re-aranging, all it needs is insertion after SPL [12:36] question: why 3 dimentional memory? [12:37] oh no mizcu [12:37] no 3d memory :) [12:37] just a 3d view of a chip with the memory on it [12:37] and the CPU floating over it reading instructions and all :P (not for realism purposes) [12:38] just fancy looking and very easy to read all the steps of the process for debugging (even if you are clueless about code at first) [12:39] very few probably remember this, but i once read that there is not sense in implementing multiple dimensions in a core, because computer memory itself is one-dimentional, and i keep that in mind [12:39] yeah [12:39] you're right mizcu [12:40] ga_war generated warriors and set them on a 2-dimentional array, like bacteria on a petridish [12:40] and nobody uses it nowadays, surprise? [12:41] but besides that, when visualizing memory as 3d blocks in a "cube" it wouldn't be possible to keep an overview [12:41] and more than three(plus one) dimentions needs an savant to understand [12:41] the thing I'm doing is showing a 2D flat representation of the looping 1D core memory (just like all the corewar programs tend to do) and then show that grid using fancy 3d graphics [12:42] yeah, have nothing against that [12:42] along with an in core tracker that highlights, zooms in on and slows down important events [12:43] (Will plans to use 3-dimentional scoring for hes next evolver, which is actually very good idea) [12:43] so you can see the cool parts of the battle taking place and watch the rest in fast forward, unless you choose otherwise ofcourse... [12:44] I was tempted to write a quick evolver for CW [12:45] and I obviously will for my own system, if just for testing and academic purposes [12:47] * Fluffy waves [12:47] bbl [12:47] MSG: Quit: fluffy.i < 1, # 42 [12:48] The main reason I started reading the whole corewar archives, logs etc. was to look for interesting ideas for new commands people might have suggested. [12:48] ofcourse quite a few of these make little sense but it's usefull to read the ideas all the same [13:05] * Retro is back [13:08] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [13:10] hey fiveop [13:44] hi [13:48] oh hey there :) [13:49] that was a late response, lol [13:49] whatcha up to? [14:00] buying a train ticket :P [14:22] hehe ic [15:02] hrm. [15:07] hey man [15:07] afternoon [15:15] its morning here [15:24] ic [15:24] 4:24 PM here [15:25] so you're yet another old timer :) [15:26] it's nice to see some people really stuck to this game for a long time [15:35] I'm not so old.. [15:35] ;) [15:46] :P [16:07] lol [16:59] hrm. [17:01] I think I have a new (better) K topper.. [17:02] 28 MIPS and counting :) [17:02] mips? [17:03] million instructions per second [17:03] are you running a calculator? ;) [17:03] I'm running my own sort of "redcode" [17:03] I see [17:03] * bvowk is all about the Gflops. [17:03] it's not compliant with redcode standards as I designed the language myself [17:04] but it's quite close [17:04] I'm tweaking the performance [17:04] why are you making a new redcode? [17:05] we're small enough already without fragmenting further [17:05] well first of all I am because I didn't know about redcode when I started it... [17:05] I suppose thats an acceptable response ;) [17:05] :) [17:05] I just came to this community because it caught my eye afterwards and I wanted to check it out [17:07] mostly for inspiration sake, I actualy started this whole project because I needed something to show off at a seminar, clearly many good ideas have been thought of before :) [17:07] apparently metcalf says hello [17:07] "* jm says hi to Retro" (length 5) by "John Metcalf" has challenged the Nano [17:07] hill [17:08] lol [17:08] :) [17:09] haha [17:10] url? [17:10] wow.. I've got an 8 point lead on nano [17:10] sal.math.ualberta.ca [17:12] nice :) [17:12] I assume he's reading the irc logs then [17:15] * Retro whips up a nano to return the greetings... [17:20] bbl [17:20] dinner time [17:21] looks like I'll end up somewhere around 35-40 MIPS (but that's including for example a sleep mode for threads that regular redcode doesn't have) [18:32] Join: Roy joined #corewars [18:40] Join: John joined #corewars [18:41] Hi :-) [18:41] Hi [18:41] Aww, no time, have to go, visitors [18:41] :-/ [18:41] * John waves to Roy [18:41] Just wanted to start the sieving and look around who was here [18:42] * Roy got a birthday to celebrate ;-) [18:42] * Roy waves! [18:42] MSG: [18:56] Join: gnik joined #corewars [18:56] Hi Gnik :-) [18:56] Hi bvowk, fiveop, John, Retro, log_guy ;) [18:57] You stole my name, I used test tube before :-P [18:58] hey guys [18:58] *back* [18:58] yes, i remembered someone used it before, maybe that's why it came to my mind ... [18:59] Hi retro [18:59] :-) [18:59] hi retro [19:00] I have more ties than you, 48.9 :-P [19:00] It's paper/imp with mov.i #1,1 imps [19:00] nice! [19:04] I don't think scanner/imps score very well on the current hill :-( [19:18] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [19:18] :| [19:19] hey guys, quick question, what's the hill key for nano? [19:19] ;redcode-nano [19:19] figures, lol [19:19] hi fluffy! [19:20] Join: jon_ joined #corewars [19:20] Hi jon_ [19:20] hello. [19:20] Hi Fluffy, Jon_ [19:21] newb here [19:21] and the email is? . [19:21] koth@* [19:21] bvowky: How is mitzi2 going? [19:21] stupid paste [19:21] SAL: [19:21] koth.org: [19:21] tnx [19:23] lol [19:23] Error processing your e-mail: I don't understand this line:--_f4697132-fd3f-454b-a814-e10ad1c76a42_ [19:23] jon_: Don't hesitate to ask questions [19:24] I'm quite sure that line wasn't in my mail, lol, maybe it wasn't ascii :-/ [19:24] stupid hotmail :P [19:24] Fluffy: thanks:) [19:25] Retro: If I remember correctly the first line in your mail body has to be ";redcode-..." [19:25] i remember trying to get into corewar when i was like 16, but never really grokked it, took another look yesterday, and am grokking it.. so i figured i'd give it a proper go now (at 24) [19:25] hehe [19:26] jon_: I guess that you've found the Redcode tutorial then, haven't you? [19:26] http://vyznev.net/corewar/guide.html [19:26] yeah fluffy I had that in there [19:26] yep.. read it on the subway home from work yesterday. I'm reading the coreware book now (the 2 chapter book on imps and stones) [19:26] maybe my hotmail was sending it html encoded [19:27] John: Don't you use a hotmail account from time to time? [19:28] Yes [19:28] It sents plain text for me, I assume there are some options somewhere [19:29] jon_: Then you should send some warriors to the beginner's hill :) [19:32] argh ... I can no longer hear it. I from now on refuse to believe that earth's climate changes! [19:34] hehe [19:34] Fluffy: of course. [19:34] has anyone thought of implementing corewar in hardware? [19:35] You seem to have pretty much money then, jon_ ;) [19:35] Couldn't it be done on one of those programmable logic thingies? [19:35] i was thinking it could be done on a pic [19:35] but with a small core. [19:36] At least I can see no commercial sense in that. And FPGAs are still a little bit too expensive [19:36] a top-end pic could probably only do a core size of 400 [19:37] hmm ... which would only include nano-settings and nano can be done very fast on recent cpus [19:38] yeah [19:38] Retro: Is your hotmail-problem solved? [19:38] most of the pics i have about 2k of avilable memory [19:38] but actually i was thinking of a 'tamagotchi' style device, where you could assemble programs on board (via an LCD, primitive keyboard, etc). and run them on the device it self. [19:39] Are you talking about a Palm? [19:39] with some method of transfering warriors to one to another [19:39] It shouldn't be that hard to port an existing MARS to it [19:39] Fluffy: a homebrew corewar playiing palm :) [19:41] going to try it again fluffy [19:41] was off for a sec [19:41] Take your time [19:41] jon_: might be a little bit slow nonetheless [19:42] jon_: I wouldn't want to benchmark a '94nop warrior on it [19:42] I think there's already a couple of Mars's for the Palm [19:43] Got a link? [19:43] Sorry no [19:43] Damn! I have to use my own brian again [19:43] I think there was some discussion on r.g.cw once [19:44] Fluffy: can clock a pic18 series chip up to 40mhz, iirc. [19:45] hmm ... don't know what you are talking about, but I know how to use a fork ;) [19:45] I'm not that much into hardware :) [19:47] ah. [19:47] jon_: In any case it might be tricky to fit everything (code, core, process queue) into it. [19:50] Even a size optimized code for a MARS is quite huge because of the convoluted way some instructions behave [19:50] you're probably right. [19:51] hrm. [19:51] Hi bvowky. [19:51] Hi Bvowk [19:51] whats up? [19:52] We've decided that you should give use access to mitzi and mitzi2! [19:52] *us [19:52] so when is your cheque for your share coming? ;P [19:53] How is your play money called again? Canadian dollar, right? [19:53] No problem then ;) [19:54] while it is colourful like monopoly money, its on better foundations than the USD ;) [19:54] Do you call it actually "mitzi2" or did you choose a different name? [19:55] 2mitzi [19:55] like 3jane [19:55] :) [19:57] so doing anything of note fluffer? [19:57] how about you met? [19:58] * Fluffy kicks bvowk [19:59] Yes, I think that I've figured out a way to win significantly more against a q^4.5 [19:59] Just preparing stuff for nw03 [19:59] w00t! nice met! [19:59] John: Preparing as in "it is finished soon"? [19:59] and soon = "now"? [20:01] Have to go in 2 mins [20:01] * Fluffy waves [20:01] oh and fluffy [20:01] huh? [20:01] Join: sascha joined #corewars [20:01] I did manage to get it around 35 to 40 MIPS by now :) [20:01] Hi Sascha [20:01] Retro: Nice :) [20:02] it's a little heavier then redcode [20:02] since it's got to track sleeping processes as well [20:02] but a nice improvement all in all :) [20:02] I've gotta check out for tonite, but I'll be back! :D [20:03] * John waves [20:05] hey! chimpanzees have been seen wielding spears! [20:05] thats *EXCELLENT*... pretty soon they'll have nuclear weapons and mankind will have to fight for its right to continue existing ;) [20:06] You've forgotten about sth. skynet-like ;) [20:06] bah, once you've figured out its easier to kill with tools, the rest comes easy. [20:09] MSG: [20:09] bvowk: And what about the ties ;) [20:10] chimps don't wear ties ;) [20:11] lol [20:12] hey bvowk! [20:12] nice warrior you got there on #1 [20:12] Has anyone got a pic of bvowk wearing a tie? [20:13] You could always take the pics from his homepage and use GIMP/Photoshop [20:13] where's the nano hill? [20:14] jon_: http://sal.math.ualberta.ca/hill.php?key=nano [20:14] its in my server room [20:14] fair enough [20:14] I've worn a tie on 3 occasions. [20:14] jon_: and there's a little bit of info about the nano hill at http://corewar.co.uk/nano.htm [20:15] bvowk: your warriors are evolved? [20:15] jon_: A lot of warriors for nano are [20:15] especially bvowk's [20:15] yup, even *I'm* evolved. [20:16] interesting [20:17] you evolving jon? [20:19] i'm going grey, does that count? [20:19] heh [20:19] I was asking if you were evolving *REDCODE* [20:20] nope. [20:20] (we'll give you the benefit of the doubt on your reproductive endevours) [20:20] There's a quick-start evolving kit here for the nano hill - http://corewar.co.uk/yacenano.zip - http://corewar.co.uk/ankerl/yace_1.2-inst.exe [20:20] haven't written a warrior yet. started looking into redcode yesterday [20:20] (Windows only) [20:21] hey, thats leet [20:21] bvowk: http://jonp.tx0.org/files/13wks.jpg [20:21] if you know python you can use my evolver.. www.math.ualberta.ca/~bvowk/files/jnsl-1.1.tgz [20:22] hrm. your webpage has elisp snippets. [20:22] eeek [20:22] (too bad about the pic tho, those things are madness!) [20:22] yep. [20:23] I much prefer MCU's with real stacks [20:24] scheme code too.. you're pretty far gone ;) [20:24] you'll never appreciate a stack more until you code in pic asm. [20:24] I like 6809 asm [20:26] My asm page is still a bit bare, despite the fact I'm programmed it for 20 years http://assemb.atspace.com/ [20:26] nice. [20:27] i have some parts to build a z80 from scatch, it's on my ever-growing list of things to do [20:28] I've done a few pic projects.. [20:28] but it always hurts ;) [20:28] z80's are fun.. [20:28] I've got some rad hardened 1809s too [20:30] I saw a processor on a USB stick somewhere [20:30] I'd like to play with one of those [20:31] a z80 on a usb stick or a pic? [20:31] sorry.. rad hardened 1802's [20:33] parallax makes a MCU now that has 8 32bit cores [20:37] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [20:38] Okay, my 2 minutes have gone! [20:38] * John waves [20:38] heh [20:38] * gnik waves [20:38] cya met [20:39] MSG: Quit: mov.i #1,1 [20:42] hrm [20:43] Join: sascha joined #corewars [20:46] Part: sascha left #corewars [20:51] * gnik is forced by the intertubes to restart his system and hopes *that* helps [20:51] stop using windows! [20:51] Yes, use doors! [20:51] someday I'll do that ... [20:52] :) [20:52] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [20:53] "gnik left the room" .... but didn't mention whether by door or by window [20:55] Join: Core_old joined #corewars [20:59] Does rebooting Windows always take that long? ;) [21:21] w00t [21:21] * bvowk rolls out gige to the desktop and nobody notices! [21:21] (that they're running on new switches) [21:21] bvowk: ok, but when do you actually NEED that much bandwidth? [21:22] uh.. [21:22] we're a math department [21:22] we sling simulations, datasets.. [21:23] I can't think of an *interesting* math problems that needs it [21:23] we could actually use 10Gig to the desktop.. maybe if the US invades iran and oil goes up to $150 a barrel they'll cut me cheques for that ;) [21:24] fluffy: if you're going to make it that easy to insult you, why don't you just insult yourself while you're at it. [21:25] If you want to insult me, then do it yourself [21:25] there's no challenge when you say things that silly [21:26] I still can't think of an interesting math problem that needs it [21:26] all interesting problems only need little bandwidth and fast cpus [21:26] but we've got one guy who does agricultural simulations that shuffles 200GB of dataset between westgrid (bigass computer cluster) and a couple collaborators at another U [21:27] MATH problems [21:27] and thats just one project.. there's a couple hundred people working on interesting stuff.. [21:27] that *IS* a math problem [21:27] That depends. [21:28] sorry fluffy, math isn't limited to number theory and algebra anymore. [21:28] Even actually calculating a solution to an PDE seems to me a little bit like heresy. [21:28] Knowing that it exists is enough :) [21:29] Maybe knowing how to calculate it is interesting [21:29] I'm all into functional analysis :) [21:30] hmm ... is that the right translation? [21:30] maybe [21:30] yes, it is [21:31] So I'm still waiting for an interesting problem [21:32] I'm not a mathematician [21:33] I just work for them [21:33] :) [21:34] Now that your evolver probably runs on 2mitzi, too, does it still create HSA-variants? [21:35] And where's your new K-topper on nano? [21:35] I haven't submitted it yet.. [21:35] I'm waiting to see if I can get something better [21:35] HSA or not? [21:35] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [21:36] Why don't you feed your best warriors to an optimizer? [21:36] Haven't you done that before? [21:36] ... with your last evolver [21:38] its not an HAS [21:39] er.. HSA [21:39] and optimizing isn't really evolving now is it? [21:39] I still don't see the difference [21:39] between evolving and optimizing [21:40] your evolver sometimes changes just the values [21:40] you don't see the reason for bandwidth either [21:40] so its not surprising. [21:40] so an optimizer might be a specialized evolver [21:40] hehe [21:42] ... and I see the reason for more bandwidth, but not for MATH problems :) [21:45] We could just call all other problems "REAL problems" ;) [21:46] we could just mock you forever instead. [21:47] ok, that's another good solution [21:47] * Fluffy taunts bvowky [21:49] bvowk: I'm still waiting! [21:50] Join: sascha joined #corewars [22:06] MSG: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [22:06] Join: Fluff1 joined #corewars [22:06] hrm [22:11] Nick Change: Fluff1 changed nick to Fluffy [22:23] Join: Roy joined #corewars [22:24] Retro: Sending emails with Hotmail to the hills is pretty hard, for koth.org you have to put a END at the end (there it stops processing the mail and forgets the footer) on the SAL hills you have to put @end at the end to stop it from processing! [22:25] Hi Roy [22:25] (hotmail sucks!) [22:26] Yeah it does, I use gmail now, sucks too...but less :) [22:30] :-( only 30 minutes left [22:30] quickly, congratulate me before its too late :-P [22:31] any reason? [22:31] Its my birthday :-D [22:31] birthday? [22:31] found a penny? [22:32] Poor Roy, you've lost another year ;) [22:32] No, I gained one ;-) [22:32] optimist [22:32] Can't wait until its 22-02-2022, thats a bit special to have as birthday [22:33] You can't live that long. [22:33] It is already way after doomsday! [22:33] Sure I will, only I have to swim 24/7 [22:34] * Fluffy congratulates Roy and wishes him sth. [22:37] sth..? Sonic the Hedgehog? [22:37] Stairway to Heaven? [22:37] :) [22:37] Structural-Thermal Subsystem? [22:37] something [22:37] it is up to you to decide what that is [22:37] Thats pretty...plain :) [22:38] ok, then I wish you sth. plain! [22:39] * Roy wishes for a big prime [22:39] 17 [22:40] Bigger! [22:40] big enough? [22:40] 997 [22:41] 13821503? [22:42] No, I'm searching for much much larger primes hehe [22:42] 2^2,582,657-1 [22:42] will that one work? [22:42] hrm. [22:43] that should be 2^32,582,657 -1 [22:43] Thats better, something like that is good enough [22:43] The biggest known to men... [22:44] Let's just assume, that I've told you the biggest prime ever ;) [22:44] *largest [22:45] Hrm, Fluffy do you work for Nikon..? [22:45] Nikon? [22:45] http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=8438167&fromSearch=0&sik=1171684949390&split_page=1&rd=out&authToken=0KVlTYQUQT981s9tXposXZi4digkljnQldgkV2czh2hzcRdjAPhj4Tdz4UcPgU&authType=NAME_SEARCH&goback=%2Ehom%2Esrp_1_1171684949390_out [22:45] :) [22:48] Roy: I only get a login [22:48] Aw.. its somebody named Jens Gutzeit working for Nikon GmbH [22:49] That's not me [22:49] Its a nice site btw, good way to find old collegues/classmates and new connections [22:50] That assumes that they'll register with that site. [22:50] And I'd never do that. [22:50] I even found Lukasz Grabun on there :) [22:50] ah [22:50] i found a bunch of my previous cohorts there too [22:51] Its also a good place to find a new job if I happen to loose mine [22:54] btw. jon_ who are you? new? [22:55] yep [22:56] i'm reading corewar.co.uk/scanner.txt and it's refering to '.5c' and '.66c', what are these? [22:56] From Ashford, Middlesex, United Kingdom? [22:57] 0.5c means 0.5 scanned locations per executed instruction [22:57] Roy: ... [22:57] (or bombed locations per executed instruciton) [22:57] Roy: used to be [22:58] Ah, you live in the states now don't you? is the baby born yet? [22:58] (the internet, privacy? gone..) [22:59] i think with a little more digging you could find out if the baby was born [22:59] Hehe, I'm not a stalker, just intrested ;) [22:59] which is pretty probable in any case :) [23:00] i'm interested where the ashford part came from though [23:00] Your myspace account hehe [23:00] bloody myspace [23:01] Dont blame myspace, you put it there! [23:02] im blaming it anyway [23:02] http://myspace-184.vo.llnwd.net/01283/48/10/1283810184_m.jpg [23:03] :) [23:03] Blog is more intresting then the myspace btw [23:03] http://jonphilpott.blogspot.com/ [23:04] depends if you're into emacs or lisp! [23:04] No, I was just going to add that: "But I which I knew Lisp/Scheme and or Emacs" [23:05] Some people here do btw [23:05] :) [23:05] my pet hate with emacs is that i always write little add-ons only to find someoneone else already did it, and i was wasting my time. [23:06] how about ... searching first? :P [23:06] But I see you program Java too, so thats ok [23:06] it's not [23:06] ! [23:07] fiveop: usually it exists, but its described differently, or its in some 5 year old mailing list archive, etc. [23:07] Roy: for profit, not fun [23:08] I repeatedly give up on using emacs for everything [23:08] the configuration takes just too much time (mostly reading documantion ...) [23:08] The fun part in Java is trying to make complex frameworks that make programming in Java easier, but in the end you just have thousands of framworks that all don't work well.. [23:09] that sounds like fun ... ;) [23:10] I don't really hate the language, its pretty good.. and the JVM idea also has some good points compared to compiled code (has nice Enterprise advantages) [23:10] its boiler-plate stuff in java that drives me nuts [23:10] i've heard its a lot better now with 1.5 [23:10] but the last places where i had to write java, we were still on 1.4 [23:11] no, it'll still drive you nuts, jon! [23:11] what's 'boiler-plate' stuff? [23:11] Of course it doesn't have the charm of other languages.. its big obesive and ugly.. [23:11] non native speaker here :P [23:11] fiveop: stuff that you always repeat [23:11] thx [23:11] I only use 1.5 (thank god) and I really like the generics etc [23:11] fiveop: like in java when you want to iterate over a collection there's a few things that you _always_ have to do.. and no real good way to abstract it [23:12] A lot less casting of objects.. but thats just a drawback of real OO development [23:12] introducing simple #define-like macros would be great [23:13] did you ever do something with lisp an opengl jon_ ? [23:13] nope. [23:13] I've used a Java Preprocessor when working for a company making J2ME games, that worked great [23:13] neat [23:14] somehow every opengl package for opengl i found didn't work [23:14] fiveop: not surprising :/ a lot of broken lisp packages out there. [23:14] Cant remember the piece of software we used though... probably because I know the company I work for now will ever use it [23:15] we used something like that too, but it used attributes to generate ejb config files etc [23:15] cant remember the name of it though [23:15] xdoclet [23:15] XDoclet? [23:15] thats the one [23:16] Heh, we use that too in our current project, the only problem is it doesn't understand Java 5 yet, so it crashes if somebody leaves generics in return types :-D [23:16] hmhm [23:17] what type of project are you currently working on? [23:17] Thats the drawback of all those frameworks compared to for example C# [23:17] yea. [23:17] we were using Spring [23:18] I'm working on a web-based package-tracking system for storage depots [23:18] now i code perl. [23:18] sound's fun [23:18] -' [23:19] ... [23:19] We use all the new fancy stuff, EJB+Spring+Hibernate+JSF+Struts+xDoclet [23:19] tomorrow I'll take the IELTS test :) [23:20] Heh, I know I'll fail it misarably (<- also spelled incorrect) [23:21] miserably? :P [23:21] I've to pass with sufficient points [23:22] The plan is to study in cambridge for a year starting this october [23:23] Wow, thats a nice goal [23:24] can view the source code of warriors on the hills? [23:24] s/can/can you/ [23:24] no [23:24] jon_: I think we used this http://antenna.sourceforge.net/#preprocess [23:24] jon_: But there's Koenigstuhl [23:24] You can on the Koenigstuhl [23:24] http://www.ociw.edu/~birk/COREWAR/koenigstuhl.html [23:24] Roy: i'll add that to my delicious [23:25] The "Directives" part is just what you said you wanted ;-) [23:26] http://del.icio.us/tag/corewar [23:26] We used it in J2ME games for screensizes etc, when we where porting the applications to different phones [23:27] i was gonna work for a company that did j2me games, but didnt get the job in the end [23:28] I worked at Codeglue (startup company) as internship [23:28] this company was jamdat.. they got bought out by EA tho, iirc. [23:29] Hrm, I also applied at Guerrilla Games when I finished college [23:30] And that was before they made Killzone and got rich :( [23:30] i gotta compile pmars for osx [23:31] Time to get some sleep, I'm going to have a weekend without much sleep.. have to safe some energy now [23:31] *save [23:32] * Roy waves [23:32] MSG: [23:32] * Fluffy waves, too [23:33] MSG: Quit: fluffy.i < 1, # 42 [23:33] * sascha waves [23:33] Part: sascha left #corewars