[07:22] Join: Caelian joined #corewars [10:02] Join: waknuk joined #corewars [10:12] hi phil [15:33] Join: Caelian|w joined #corewars [15:33] MSG: Client Quit [19:38] Join: yoR joined #corewars [19:39] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6950604815683841321&hl=en [19:39] Might be intresting to people doing CW, very cool talk about DNA programming, and it reminds me of CW [19:49] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [19:49] Hi :-) [19:55] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [19:55] Join: yoR joined #corewars [19:56] Hmm, disconnected somehow.. [19:58] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [19:58] Hi Fiveop [19:58] hi [19:58] how are you? [19:58] hey fop [19:58] mind if I skip the whole, happy whatever tirad? [19:59] ;3~+e [19:59] +e [19:59] No problem, just get to the point then [20:00] * fiveop starts to idle [20:00] hehe :) [20:01] Man, DNA Programming is cool! [20:01] * yoR wants to do a carreer change now [20:02] try [20:02] This guy talks about reprogramming E.coli bacteria to not stink but smell like banana, they actually made that bacteria :-D [20:03] :) [20:03] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [20:04] aren't there these two chemicals that smell of pineapple and something, but when mixed together have a quite disturbing odor [20:04] No idea.. [20:04] He's also talking about a DNA-printer, just take four jars, T/A/G/C and print a DNA sequence hehe [20:05] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [20:05] They have a opensource DNA website where you can get components, so you don't have to read TGACGAGATA sequences but just put components together [20:10] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [20:10] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [20:15] MSG: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [20:44] MSG: Quit: humhum [22:29] Join: log_guy joined #corewars [22:31] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [22:31] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [22:32] hF [22:33] Join: waknuk joined #corewars [22:34] Join: yoR joined #corewars [22:34] We are back (for how long?) [22:36] right [22:37] triple: !op [22:37] triple: or just take +t off [22:41] Join: pak21 joined #corewars [22:43] MSG: [22:55] Join: bvowk joined #corewars [23:06] hi to bvowk too [23:20] Join: KOTH joined #corewars [23:20] HEY, log_guy, getting this? [23:20] jees, Tuc too? lotta people [23:20] Just wanted to make sure logging was working before y'all called me on it. :) [23:21] Sorry about before. System locked solid. I was getting a remote screen off the remote KVM, but no keyboard, and not responding to C-A-D [23:21] Had to call the datacenter, pay my $43.75 for a server reboot. [23:22] ouch [23:22] That's what happens when you don't have minions anymore to do that type of stuff. With TTSG I could just send one of my guys. [23:23] But I happen to be in NC right now. And without a car 9 miles down the coast of the Atlantic. So getting to NYC to reboot myself would cost a bit more than that right now. [23:24] (Not to mention I'm NOT quite in the best shape to walk 11 miles to get to my car) [23:25] And, again, HOW IS IT that my machines START the server, and then start the logger, and he STILL doesn't end up Chanop?! [23:26] Ok, well, I'm done talking to myself. So I'll go make dinner. If anyone needs anything, post or email me directly. [23:26] MSG: Quit: Leaving.