[12:59] Join: Cesque joined #corewars [13:08] hi there [13:13] hey [13:13] how can i be of assistance? [13:14] erm... I dunno :P [13:14] suit yourself [13:14] if you get any questions about CW, ill be here [13:14] heh [13:14] k, thanks [13:59] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [14:39] hi Mizcu [14:39] what's up? [14:40] samey [14:43] :p [15:01] bvowk, you awake? [15:01] http://thedailywtf.com/Comments/Pop-Quiz,-Hotshot.aspx#187518 [16:34] i know nobody in here gives a flying crap, but collection pics have been updated [16:36] link [16:37] http://users.evtek.fi/~mikaos/p01.jpg http://users.evtek.fi/~mikaos/p02.jpg [16:37] ty [16:38] cool