[02:29] "whether the experience of astral projection inspired humanity to invent religion to explain it, or if the idea of religion inspired humans to consider and seek out-of-body experiences" [06:22] Join: spencer joined #corewars [06:22] hi there [06:22] Part: spencer left #corewars [08:54] hrm. [08:56] * bvowk lives! [10:12] hi [13:49] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [14:46] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out [15:06] Join: Norrit joined #corewars [15:16] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [15:53] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [15:53] Hi [15:59] MSG: Quit: humhum [16:02] Join: OoS joined #corewars [16:04] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [16:11] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [18:55] Join: jamesstan joined #corewars [19:01] hmm, someones posted a CW link somewhere major again? [19:01] third new name today.. [19:09] Join: Norrit joined #corewars [19:28] Can anybody recommend a tutorial for a complete newbie about learning redcode? [19:29] Oh Mizcu, I didn't notice what you said. It was on Coding Horror. [19:31] we really have only one tutorial, http://vyznev.net/corewar/guide.html [19:31] OK, thanks. [19:31] you will find a lot of questions to ask, feel free to ask them here [19:31] Thank you. [19:31] however, i am about to go get some sleep though [19:33] for all questions you get, just drop them here and ill answer them in the morning; www.koth.org/irc-logs/ contains whats happening in the channel so we dont need to meet at same time [19:34] OK [19:59] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [21:20] I have a question: In the guide it says that SEQ and SNE compare two instructions, but that SLT compares two values. Is this correct? If so, how are instructions compared? [21:33] Also, I am having a problem with SLT. Will 'SLT @bomb, bomb' skip the next command if the value in the B-field of bomb is less than the address of bomb? [21:46] Join: Norrit joined #corewars [22:44] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [23:28] Join: Norrit joined #corewars