[00:36] MSG: Quit: humhum [00:41] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out [04:40] Join: elkauka joined #corewars [07:50] anyone alive in here? [07:53] yes [07:53] hi miz [07:55] do you know any paper warriors that carry compressed payload for faster copying? [07:56] what do you mean by "compressed" ? [07:56] dont tell me skybuck-style compressed -_- [07:57] skybuck-style???? [07:57] dont you read RGC? [07:58] a newbie that writes redcode like java, and thinks of "great" ideas that dont work [07:58] prolly autistic.. [07:58] not that often and i ignored skybucks msgs so far [07:58] nothing interesting in them [08:00] compressed payload for faster copying.. you mean something like silk mov silk -> 100 cycles -> silk mov mov silk ? [08:00] what i had in mind was stuff like unpacked loops which could be compressed during copy mode [08:02] i cant think of anything useful to unpack [08:02] mov/jmp is actually better than mov/jmp/mov/jmp/mov/jmp [08:02] like mov jmp instead of mov mov mov jmp [08:03] why is that? [08:03] but you need an extra mov for the unpacking [08:03] because long loops attract scanners [08:03] and processes in silks keep moving, leaving decoys behind, while clears just sit and wait [08:04] some papers (Return of the papers) gets around that problem by overwriting the clears after N cycles [08:04] one could unpack it over the dead silk head and parts of the engine and compessed payload [08:05] been a while since i played corewars, what i came up with so far: [08:05] spl 1, 0 ;\ [08:05] spl 1, 0 ; > 7 processes [08:05] mov -1, 0;/ [08:05] spl 3510, #0 ;\ front silk [08:05] mov >-1, }-1 ;/ [08:05] mov cpy, >cpy ;copy mov [08:05] mul #-1, mov jp, -6 ;copy jmp [08:05] jp jmp -7 ;jump to clear [08:05] cpy mov 300, <-15 [08:07] 400 matches against 4 scanners and 33 wins.. [08:08] how many oneshots do you know that have more than three mov's in the clear-loop? [08:08] if clears dont work well, one could try to pack other silks instead of restorying pointer etc. [08:09] a crap, nevermind [08:09] im not saying its a bad as an idea, it just tries to do too complicated things [08:11] no, i mean i just realized that packing a silk (2 instructions) is rather pointless ;) [08:27] what's the usual length (and content?) of a silk payload now anyway? still like 1 or 2 movs ? [08:29] with the slower advancement of hills, i cannot be sure [08:30] but 2 or 3 instructions (including payload) [08:30] mov-bombs are still popular, as are the anti-imp bombs [08:33] so trying to direct the bomb pattern a little with nano qscans would already make that thing a bit bloated ? [08:34] tell me, how do you run a nano-qscan with parallel processes? [08:37] with little change to the parameters of the mul instruction ^^ ok, maybe i should put some thoughts into the math behind that first.... [08:46] MSG: [12:03] hee. i don't know if my ideas work, but they are fun to write! [12:04] speaking of which, there's one i want to play with that i didn't get to yesterday [12:04] and i can't get to sleep so i think i'll go to work and do that [14:02] lol miz [14:02] i inadvertantly wrote something that kills your d00ds [14:02] 80,69705325 #    %W/   %L/   %T                      Name             Author Taken Given [14:02] 80,69705325 1  99.7/  0.1/  0.1                 stoney #3                Miz 299.3   0.5 [14:02] you are looking at the scores the wrong way ^^ [14:03] aw wat [14:03] 80,69797718Wins are for the warrior on the same table row and losses are for [14:03] 80,69797718"bolo (test 1)". [14:03] i am confused! [14:04] just look at the taken/given [14:04] indeed [14:05] that makes it helful-er [14:05] helpful [14:11] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [14:11] maybe my next probe-warrior should not have an imp-spiral [14:12] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [14:12] lolol [14:12] see, i keep thinking i should just do what you did [14:12] but that's boring 'cause you told me what it was [14:12] i'd rather do something interesting even if it loses [14:12] :P [14:13] stoney is up only for the next 12 challenges anyway [14:13] it'd be a good excercise simply to try and kill it though [14:13] eh, guess i'm running out of time then [14:14] i don't even remember what the ones i submitted do ;D [14:16] i am enjoying the way this last one works hehe [14:55] "Error: Sorry --- this computer is too fast!" [14:56] First time I've received that error :-( [15:01] haha [15:01] from what? [15:04] let's see if i improved this thing any [15:04] * evitable submits [15:07] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [15:08] sweet i did [15:09] hehe miz you are no longer my #1 killa :( [15:09] ..but i still don't kill it at all [15:09] lol. [15:24] i hope i'm not annoying anyone by spamming the hill :P [15:24] i don't mean like, on purpose.. just it seems i'm sending a lot of stuff :| [15:37] i dont think anyone minds [15:41] hrm. [15:41] * bvowk punches sf_ghoul until she wakes up [15:48] you aint a gentleman [15:49] no.. you've got ghoul and girl confused [15:49] you can hit a ghoul [15:50] The church even encourages it [16:06] i'd hit on a witch [16:08] heh [16:08] yeah? [16:18] old witches are so out of fashion, and they didnt catch new recruits either [16:18] this is new age, bready [16:24] you can add a number to both fields of a target instruction right? [16:25] yes [16:25] i think i'm confused [16:25] er, how? [16:26] add.f [16:26] add.f #3, 4 will not work [16:26] oh, oke [16:26] ok* [16:26] make an ins: dat #3, #3 , and add.f ins, target [16:26] * evitable nods [17:26] almost made it repair itself :> [17:26] i don't know if that's better than going into 'survival mode' or not though [18:22] hrm. [20:27] Join: elkauka joined #corewars [20:39] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [20:39] Hi :-) [20:40] h [20:40] Hi Mizcu [20:40] univ server down, not my problem [20:42] hi [20:43] :-( [20:43] Join: OoS joined #corewars [20:47] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [20:49] Is anyone up to anything interesting? [20:49] never! [20:50] Hi Bvowk [20:50] I thought you'd been fed to the Piranhas :-) [20:50] compressed silk payload. not wrking so far [20:52] I'm not sure what kind of compressed payload you could use [20:52] Does a silk-imp type thing count? [20:57] nice [20:57] anything that might be intressting [20:58] I've been trying to make a nano stone/imp [21:02] ORG START [21:02] START SPL.B # 32, > -26 [21:02] MOV.I < -12, } -1 [21:02] SPL.B $ -1, < -19 [21:02] ADD.F # 5, $ -3 [21:02] MOV.I # 1, $ 1 [21:02] Excuse the lack of labels [21:08] It eventually bombs the add, to leave a clear [21:10] Argh, I have a .png that displays differently in Safari to Firefox [21:10] I thought only IE had issues [21:16] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [21:18] Join: OoS joined #corewars [21:20] this works a lil better: [21:20] spl 1 [21:20] mov.i -1,0 [21:20] mov.i -1,0 [21:20] silk spl 3510, 0 [21:20] mov.i >silk,}silk [21:20] mov.i cpy, mul.ab #-1,>-1 [21:20] cpy mov.i 300,<5 [21:32] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [21:32] hi five [21:37] Hi Fiveop [21:40] hi [21:47] does anyone know what ahppend to fluffy? is he still playing? [21:47] lifehammer hit [21:48] he's implied he might be around more [21:48] Fluffy was here a few days ago [21:54] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [22:00] Join: OoS joined #corewars [22:08] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [23:39] MSG: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [23:57] MSG: