[05:38] Join: Davse_Bam joined #corewars [06:00] hi.. the modificers and add. The ADD.AB.. does it take the A value from source, and add it to the B value of the dest. and save in the B of the dest? [06:00] and what about ADD.A.. dows it takes the answer and save in the A field of dest? [08:22] how goes ADD.F works? [08:33] does it add its values and then fill the same value in the a and b field of the destination? [08:49] nm.. i found it in some code somewhere [09:54] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [11:07] Join: eoddefh joined #corewars [11:08] hi [11:09] Davse_Bam: 1: correct 2: takes a, adds to a, save to a [11:09] 3: take a&b, adds a to a, b to b, saves a+a to a, b+b to b [11:09] Mizcu: great :-) [11:09] thank you [11:20] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [12:06] MSG: Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer [12:55] oh great [12:56] new dvd-drive, and now my storage-harddrive has dropped to PIO [12:57] even after moving drive to slave other HD [12:58] (i guess that should be server another) [13:01] (serve another, darnit) [13:22] Join: frfr joined #corewars [13:26] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [13:50] two HDs in same controller, and dvd-drive separated to on its own [13:50] works now [15:10] whats it with the submissions now? [19:55] Join: Altair joined #corewars [19:55] hi [19:55] hi [19:56] somehow i have a basic problem with my scanner @_@ [19:57] well, im available to debug [19:59] would be great. the prob is very simple, its too weak against papers.for example pdq. spl 0 and everything, but then too few cycles are left for two dat clears [19:59] or the step size is crap.....mm....... [20:00] probably you can gimme a hint for a good d clear? [20:00] too few cycles left? thats strange [20:01] excuse my english^^"" [20:01] d-clear requries about 30k cycles to work [20:02] hmm [20:03] upload it to some pastebin, and send the link to me [20:03] can I just post my warrior here (its not too long xD) and you tell me what improvements could be done or if it is worth improving anyway? [20:04] http://pastebin.com/m2a5c7712 [20:08] Join: baud joined #corewars [20:11] hmm [20:13] hmm like isnt worth optimizing anyway :D? [20:14] im thinking if you could cut off one or two instructions [20:14] of the d clear? [20:15] or the bomb of the scan? [20:16] with this pattern just a spl 0 bomb would be better anyway, huh? [20:17] thats not a d-clear in it [20:17] in thinking if you could add the irongate-trick in it [20:18] huh. sry. im a beginner. what's that? [20:18] when you have a and b -fields, and dont know which one has the enemy.. [20:19] iron gate simply bombs the first field, and then adds a number in the scan-pointer, so that the b-field is included in the next scan [20:19] Join: CoreOld joined #corewars [20:20] this would mean removing two of the bombing mov's, and replacing it with one add or sub [20:21] sounds good, but my programm is based on the idea that the scan distance are the same very time, so i can bomb myself and start the d clear? [20:22] yeah, its a little challenging [20:23] okayokay, give it up. I just have to read more *_* ^^ [20:24] but thanks anyway [20:24] i dont really like that scan-pattern i have to say [20:25] MSG: Quit: Leaving [20:27] in the comment for step size I tried out a few others [20:27] which worked :D. [20:31] im not really much help here [20:32] you are. I will anaylse iron gate(s) tomorrow [20:32] MSG: Quit: humhum [20:33] replacing the SD-clear with a real d-clear only showed that your scan-phase is unfruitful [20:33] ^^"" [20:34] try step size 3999 [20:34] the scan-phase stuns an opponent enough to make it vulnerable to the SD-clear, but doesnt actually do enough by itself [20:35] step 3999 is equal to -2, which is bad [20:35] mm.....and with an spl 0 only? [20:36] it would do even worse [20:36] mm.. [20:37] and 1333? [20:37] you are missing the mathematical point [20:39] mm......... [20:40] most redcoders think of the condition that makes the switch before choosing the step [20:41] a better condition would be? [20:41] there is no problem with the condition [20:41] MSG: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [20:41] the warriors makes the switch, when other of the addr's fields becomes zero [20:42] almost every stepsize youve used has been a mod-1 pattern [20:42] and they are difficult to predict [20:42] while instead with mod-5, you can predict what places are scanned and what are not [20:44] there is something i am missing [20:45] something manipulates the addr even though the pattern i use shouldnt [20:46] ah [20:46] djn.f attk, addr [20:46] yeah, i need it for the bomb >.< [20:47] so a pattern with 1185 for example would be better? [20:48] no,djn still was not what i was thinking [20:52] hm o.o? [20:56] what i would do: [20:56] instead of redirecting through addr, just use seq step, step+hop [20:56] always attack a-field with the incendiary [20:57] use irongate -trick [20:58] jump-instruction checks the place where first bombs drop on self-scan [20:58] it should allow you to reduce the gap to 10 or 8 [20:58] k [21:00] thank you very much [21:00] try to remember that making my next warrior [21:15] Join: darkivade joined #corewars [21:16] hi [21:16] hello [21:18] hi [22:09] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [22:17] >.< cu [22:17] MSG: [22:24] anyone here [22:34] MSG: