[00:12] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [00:23] so I can't get rec.games.corewars to forward to my email with ;\ [00:41] Join: elkauka joined #corewars [00:52] MSG: Quit: blaaaarghhh [00:53] o god I guess I will just use google [00:56] MSG: [03:19] Join: tom joined #corewars [03:34] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [03:43] MSG: Remote host closed the connection [03:52] Join: tom joined #corewars [04:29] MSG: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920] [08:16] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [09:51] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [09:51] :) [09:56] Hi Fluffy [09:59] Its weekend and I have some time [10:03] What are you going to use it for? [10:03] At the moment I'm thinking of implementing a MARS in Javascript, but I'm not sure whether I should really try to do it. [10:05] I think Brian Haskin did that once? [10:06] Do you have a link? [10:07] It's on Koth somewhere [10:08] Sorry, it's Java ;-) http://www.koth.org/pmars/ see jmars [10:09] k [11:03] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [11:03] Hi Fiveo [11:03] :-) [11:04] Mizcu: have you definitely got v2.0 of CoreWar Plus and not v2.02? [12:18] Part: Fluffy left #corewars [12:35] * Metcalf just called a dial up BBS :-) [12:39] Metcalf: 2.0 [12:44] Mizcu: is that from the docs or the software? [12:52] yes [12:52] oh, docs [12:55] Does the software say v2.0 as well? [12:56] I've got v2.02, but I'm looking for v2.0 and v1.8 [13:13] damn, it is 2.02 insoftware [13:13] Okay, thanks for checking [14:22] Join: Fluffy joined #corewars [14:22] :) [14:31] should i be worried.. [14:31] umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR [14:31] umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR [14:44] MSG: Quit: leaving [14:51] Join: Mizcu joined #corewars [15:55] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [15:55] hi hi [15:56] h [15:58] Hi Fizmo [15:58] Hi John [16:05] Join: OoS joined #corewars [16:08] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [16:09] I'm back later the evening [16:09] MSG: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920] [16:12] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [16:16] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [17:18] MSG: Quit: humhum [18:12] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [18:13] back [18:28] Join: baudchan joined #corewars [19:07] :) [19:16] hi hi [19:53] Part: Fluffy left #corewars [21:11] hm [21:12] heh [21:12] sup? [21:12] just working on some code [21:12] indeed [21:12] same [21:13] the result is hmm somehow unexpected [21:13] lol [21:13] I am failing at writing something extremely basic [21:14] but I am sure I will get it in a little bit [21:14] yeah, it just take a while [21:14] indeed [21:15] you know how all integers are positive? [21:16] I am trying to get around that lol -_-; [21:16] hurr durr [21:21] hehehe [22:06] I think my problem is addressing modes [22:06] MSG: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920] [22:09] nevermind I forgot to add a jmp lol [22:15] also what happened to pmars.mac? ;o [22:22] its only a file for macros, kinda useless [22:28] okay [22:28] corewars makes me feel dumb ;_; [22:30] like [22:30] don't fix this for me, because than I won't learn [22:30] but can you help me with this http://pastebin.ca/raw/1271449 [22:31] it is supposed to scan forward until it finds something that isn't DAT 0, 0 and then bomb it with "forkbomb" [22:31] and the MOV target, @target is there just so I can see where it is scanning in pmars [22:31] due to being too lazy to type list over and over [22:32] and it is being played against a dummy that is made of a MOV 0, 0 and a JMP -1 [22:34] well, i see only one direct problem [22:34] two.. [22:34] you scan pattern is too tight, but i will ignore that since the warrior is still a proto [22:35] right [22:35] I am still learning so it isn't meant to win anything as much as it is meant for me to learn with [22:35] the file name is test.red ;3 [22:36] Join: tom joined #corewars [22:37] there is a mistake in launcher, small oversight in forkbomb, and one instruction could be trimmed off (we'll ignore that for now) [22:40] like [22:40] it drops a DAT on the MOV 0, 0 of the dummy [22:41] and then the dummy executes its JMP -1 [22:41] but it doesn't actually jump [22:42] well, then there must be something wrong in the jump [22:44] hahaha yeah [22:45] I just checked it and for whatever reason I put JMP 0, -1 [22:48] i need to go get some sleep, i got 7 till school [22:48] alright [23:40] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out