[00:36] woah [00:36] 103.6 [00:36] :O [00:36] http://sal.math.ualberta.ca/hill.php?login=794&key=94b [00:36] 103 is the lowest warrior on the hill, shouldnt i have made it on? :O [00:37] bvowk: ^ [00:39] all i did to evolve that [00:39] was run my evolution a while, then stick the evolved one in to the benchmark pool for the fitness [00:39] and then repeat [00:39] i started with a basic paper, stone, and scissor [00:40] and also one of my previously hand-written wars [01:00] Hrm, it lost less and tied more [01:01] maybe that has something to do with it [01:41] MSG: Quit: humhum [06:45] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [12:43] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [12:47] Hi Fiveop [12:50] Has anyone got any ideas how to implement call/ret in Redcode? [12:50] The obvious solution doesn't work and the other solutions I can think of are messy. [12:50] http://impomatic.blogspot.com/2009/01/call-return-macros-in-redcode.html [13:20] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [15:28] Join: NorthStar joined #corewars [16:36] Join: flyduck joined #corewars [16:38] Hmmm... [16:58] hrm. [17:03] hey guys :o [17:04] so bvowk, i dont know if you saw but one of my evovlved warriors scored 103.6 on the beginner hill last night :) [17:04] for some reason it didnt make it on to the hill... even though the lowest ranked warrior on is 103 [17:08] nice. [17:12] and you're wondering why it didn't make it on the hill. [17:12] i am [17:13] iirc it's because the final scores are calculated minus the last warrior. [17:14] Hi Flyduck, Bvowk [17:31] Does that make sense flyduck? [17:31] cause I have an email from HWMNBM about this very issue. [17:31] I could go look it up :) [17:34] That's correct. The score against all 26 warriors is used to decide which is pushed off. The score displayed is only against the 25 still on the hill. [18:08] bleh. [19:09] .helb [19:10] Hi [19:10] !iH [19:10] How's it going? [19:14] Fine, just tweaking some html [19:15] Hmm [19:19] hrm. [19:19] Hmmm... [19:49] Hrrrrnnnn [19:59] Html done, uploading now :-) [20:01] What are you working on today? [20:13] bvowk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDacjrSCeq4 [21:03] MSG: Quit: humhum [21:32] ah man, I was hoping latency was improved by shouting at it [21:32] that would be way cooler [21:45] heh [21:48] Work work work, all I ever do is work [21:55] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHXBL6bzAR4&feature=related [21:55] ^ barely related to the datacenter video, but too true [22:42] back guys [22:42] sorry i disappeared before, had to go to work [22:42] That's correct. The score against all 26 warriors is used to decide which is pushed off. The score displayed is only against the 25 still on the hill. [22:42] i dont understand that :o [22:44] 26th warrior is the one sent [22:46] so it uses its score against itself? but wouldnt that be 0 ? [22:48] not always [22:48] in your warriors case it was 100 and 100 [22:51] so how would i figure out my warriors actual score? im still a bit confused [22:51] and 100 was less than the score of ~130, which was lower than average and thus was just enough to stop you from entering the hill [22:52] click on the warrior-submission and see the bottom [23:11] Part: Mannerisk left #corewars [23:11] Join: Mannerisk joined #corewars