[01:20] MSG: Quit: humhum [04:22] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [06:34] MSG: Quit: mov.i #1,1 [07:08] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [07:08] Hmmm... [07:09] Power cut here... :-( [07:43] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [10:16] Join: myndzi joined #corewars [10:18] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [10:26] Join: fiveop joined #corewars [13:23] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [14:30] Join: Altair joined #corewars [14:31] Hi Altair [15:05] (i just figured out something..) [15:26] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [15:35] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [15:37] hi [15:38] http://pastebin.com/m76e720d3 [15:38] the spiral is very bad [15:40] it works just fine [15:40] a single spiral doesnt have much strenght as is [15:45] mm....... [15:45] so what would you do to improve it^^? or sucks the idea anyway [15:46] there isnt much to do with it, really [15:46] you could turn stream's into small dwarf's [15:47] scores 60 against wilkies benchmark [15:52] yeah, that was my idea. to implement a little bomber between mov udn djn [15:52] *and [15:53] i would change it so that each small bomber has three processes, and that the 3*3 processes would make a 9-process spiral, but thats a lot of synchronization-work [15:53] so implement the small bombers, and then ill benchmark it and see what could be changed [16:31] k [17:20] Join: Morg0th joined #corewars [17:20] hello [17:20] hi [17:21] I've never played corewars, can anyone tell me how i can write a redcode program and launch it in the game? [17:22] see topic [17:22] Hi Morg0th [17:22] hi [17:22] which topic? [17:22] http://tr.im/xep ? [17:23] y [17:23] ok thx [17:31] bf implemented in Redcode -> http://impomatic.blogspot.com/2009/01/brainf-interpreter-in-redcode.html [17:32] 8.4 times faster than Roy's ;-) [17:42] i have installed pMars, but how can I play? I can launch programs with the command "pmars warrior.red" but it tells me "enter a key" and exits when i do something [17:44] the fight finishes so fast that you dont have time to see what happens [17:44] try pmars -v 903 warrior.red to slow it down [17:45] ok thanks [17:45] can we play on the net or is it a solo game? [17:46] i don't really understand who we fight again [17:47] against* [17:47] warrior of another coder? [17:48] corewars is not really realtime, when we fight others, we send warriors to hills; automated servers that fight warriors with each other [17:48] hills hold a pool of warriors, and whenever a new is sent, it fights against all existing, and then the weakest is pushed off the hill [17:48] ok i see :) [17:49] most of the time is spent fighting warriors against each other to see what might be strong enough to send on the hill [17:49] and how do we see the result of the battles? [17:49] pmars should output the result after the match [17:49] eg [17:49] Unknown by Anonymous scores 0 [17:49] Mice by Chip Wendell scores 3 [17:49] Results: 0 1 0 [17:50] ok [17:51] on the hills, it can be seen from the web-page [17:53] thanks for your help [17:53] MSG: [18:18] Join: Altair joined #corewars [20:13] Join: myndzi\ joined #corewars [20:13] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [20:19] I hope everyone is practicing safe GA [20:19] er. [20:19] again. [20:22] MSG: Quit: leaving [21:13] MSG: [21:30] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [21:36] MSG: Quit: mov.i #1,1 [21:58] Join: Mannerisk joined #corewars [21:58] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [22:07] MSG: Quit: humhum