[01:21] MSG: Quit: humhum [05:02] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [05:02] Join: nescience joined #corewars [05:02] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out [05:02] Join: johnkw joined #corewars [12:48] Join: will joined #corewars [12:59] MSG: Quit: leaving [14:09] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [14:09] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [14:13] MSG: Read error: Connection reset by peer [14:21] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [17:03] Join: Fizmo joined #corewars [18:02] Join: Metcalf joined #corewars [18:02] Hi :-) [18:04] hi hi [18:05] Hi Fizmo [18:06] the infinite 94draft DynaHill is updated on my website [18:06] I completely relocated the folder [18:06] Age 157 already [18:06] * Metcalf goes to check [18:31] satisfied, how your warriors are doing on it? [18:35] ;-) [18:48] Hmmm... I'd be happier if certain warriors were higher :-) [19:05] yeah [19:05] scanner are not that strong here [19:05] is that a hidden request for someone to send in some chaff? [19:06] ? [19:06] the met's comment [19:06] we're talking about the infinite DynaHill, where only published warriors can enter :-P [19:07] so? [19:08] ive published Lady Imperactive but havent sent it on any infinite [19:08] ohh? [19:09] you're right [19:09] http://users.metropolia.fi/~mikaos/corewar/redcode.htm [19:09] not there [19:09] I just added the Koenigstuhl 94draft in reversed order [19:10] MSG: Read error: Operation timed out [19:10] then I added the sourceforge beginner hill entries [19:10] then the entries of the past tournaments and the new entries on Koen [19:11] I will set in in queue [19:13] there are some more on that page which aren't published [19:14] which are unnamed and thus not worth it [19:14] ok [19:14] i had a proper oneshot built around rosegate but i dont know if i have it anymore [19:14] (actually.. i did discover a close to final beta-version of Static a while ago..) [19:15] :-) [19:18] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [19:21] Hi M0wLaue [19:24] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [19:26] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [19:30] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [19:38] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [19:42] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [19:59] A good day for Roy. Two of his infinite 94draft DynaHil warriors in a top spot scored 13-2. I guess he will be next challenge Koth and 2nd [19:59] let's see [19:59] :-) [20:00] Not sure if Devilstick becomes 2nd. But surly 3rd or 4th [20:00] and S.D.N. didn't do well this time, just a 5-10 :-( [20:01] Combatra also continues to drop down the hill [20:02] some challenges before I thought it got a touch to the top [20:05] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [20:09] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [20:17] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [20:20] just realised.. [20:20] IMPFINITY IN CHAMPIONS LEAGUE? [20:21] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [20:23] yes [20:23] don't ask me why [20:23] also U-LAT II is a big surprise for me [20:23] still on top spots [20:25] Impfinity uses 7-pt imps [20:25] maybe that could be a reason [20:26] 3e7 uses 7-pt [20:26] oh, so does 4g1 [20:26] yes, it did. I checked [20:27] your Song of the blue sea also did very well [20:28] i have a guess on why it does better on there than on koen [20:28] the champions league has more warriors with anti-djn bombs relative to rest of the population [20:29] hmm, could be. I haven't checked that [20:29] i intentionally didnt use djn in the stone, thinking that warriors on 'nop were expecting it [20:30] in exchange, it cost about 5-10 positions on Koen [20:30] hmm, interesting point [20:31] for example, impf4g1 right there has a 41 line #1 #1 -decoy [20:31] 51 [20:34] the very few "sd-clear/imps" and "incendary bomber/imps" are surprisingly successful [20:35] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [20:39] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [20:40] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [20:44] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [20:49] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [20:54] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [21:26] Join: Neogryzor joined #corewars [21:26] hello [21:27] hi [21:27] hi Miz [21:29] Hi Neo :-) [21:30] Hi Met [21:36] Hi Neo [21:37] you're quite active on the LP hill ;-) [21:38] Hi Fiz. Yes, i wanted to work on the new papers but didn't have time [21:38] I have just tried out some things, didn't do much already [21:38] nice entries, btw [21:39] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [21:39] hello M0w [21:40] MSG: Client Quit [21:40] Join: yoR joined #corewars [21:40] thanks, Neo [21:40] Howdy [21:40] Join: M0wLaue joined #corewars [21:40] hi Neogryzor [21:40] I really optimized the paper a lote :-P [21:40] Fizmo: Also i have to push up the king a little bit. After the fall of Fbomber it has turned to be the oldest warrior [21:40] hi Roy [21:41] hi Roy [21:41] yeah, I can imagine [21:41] Hi yoR :-) [21:41] I still working on a new p-warrior for the lp hill [21:41] in the hope to top my koth a lot more [21:42] Impfinity is just hard to beat, doesn't score much, but hard to beat [21:42] I mean to get a new koth with a even more high gap [21:43] yes, that's true [21:43] I'm curious how high Die Hard will climb up, which entered just some challenges ago [21:44] Fizmo: So you'll make me to work hard on LP... hummm [21:44] :-P [21:44] Die Hard will probably do very well, top 10 [21:44] I think I did already some nice entries in the past [21:45] I like that hill, my warriors are high :) [21:45] Corewar is getting mention a lot by people I don't know on here http://tinyurl.com/bhhohc [21:46] hehehe, I think next challenge will see a koth from your side ;-) [21:47] 10 warriors I've worked on in the Champions League [21:47] bah! :D [21:47] huuh [21:48] that are almost 20% [21:48] 10/46 [21:49] You have 12 warriors Fizzer ;-) [21:49] 48 [21:49] Ah 48 yes [21:49] You guys are geeks... (lol) [21:49] But some of my Master League warriors are knocking on the door [21:50] Neo: Don't look in the mirror, you'll be amazed [21:51] I don't do it. I don't like the guy at the other side :-D [21:52] Too bad I hardly have time for programming (besides work) [21:52] At least i'll have a warrior among the top 5 i think [21:52] :-P [21:53] Neo you already had two Koths there ;-) [21:54] I have other things on my mind (http://twitpic.com/1opbk) [21:54] In the champions leage, i see [21:55] ups, sorry. I was wrong [21:55] I'll be back later [22:12] Has anyone had chance to play with Skybuck's mars yet? [22:20] And if you had the chance, did you had the will? [22:20] *have [22:22] lol [22:22] :-P [22:22] honestly, I didn't trust Skybuck [22:22] spaMars [22:22] how is it? [22:23] goToMars (please) [22:23] It may give results in 200-line messages [22:24] lol [22:24] lol spaMars :-) [22:25] Well, he is not here so i suppouse he doesn't read the logs :-P [22:26] "Results: I'z run da battle and Devilstick won over Maeltrom with 10! But Skybuck's Great Battleship V1 would have beaten both though" [22:27] LOOOOL [22:30] MSG: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [22:30] ok, time for me to go to bed [22:30] SuperDestructiveBombToAnihilateEveryEnemySpacecraft: dat 0,0 [22:30] * Fizmo waves [22:31] * Neogryzor waves to Fiz [22:31] LOOOL [22:31] it's pretty hard to read his warriors [22:31] ;-) [22:31] byebye [22:31] MSG: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913] [22:31] hehehe [22:38] I'm going to dive into bed too, need to haul 120 m2 of laminate flooring tomorrow :( [22:38] * yoR waves [22:38] MSG: [22:42] * Neogryzor waves late [22:44] * Neogryzor waves [22:45] MSG: [22:47] Join: raven joined #corewars [22:48] MSG: Client Quit