[94 Experimental Hill huge array]   [KOTH Standings Page]

[ - Current 94 Experimental Hill Standings - ]

Last battle concluded at : Sun Sep 8 16:48:09 UTC 2024
#  Warrior  AuthorW%L%T%ScoreAge  Strategy
  Azathoth    John Metcalf  
  142.84  12  paper/stone, sleeping chaos
  Fatamorgana X    Zul Nadzri  
  141.85  1  Engine : Predator Technology ver2.0 + SureWin ver2.0 / Warrior: The X Machine + additional scanner / April 2004 (resend 9.9.2024)
  Morlock    John Metcalf  
  136.63  35  p-switch paper/stone with scanner
  Void Runner    John Metcalf  
  133.20  29  stone/imp
  Despair X    John Metcalf  
  132.36  38  paper/stone
  REAMer DX iouf    Steve Gunnell  
  131.58  14  Dual variable configuration papers. / Baked in some anti-vamp and an imp spiral. / changed scan to a longer Q^3 qscan
  Denial egfm    David Moore  
  130.99  15  ineffective imp/stone / (13pt A-imps, 19pt B-imps) / stone stolen from QuickSilver and modified / Tweaked and upcycled by Steve G.
  Mavin Manyshaped AX yeuv    Steve Gunnell  
  130.19  54  P^3 switcher -> dodger/stone/scanner
  Revenant Paradox    Zul Nadzri  
  130.11  2  Engine : Predator Technology ver2.0 + SureWin ver2.0 / Warrior: Paper + Stone + Imp / Release: 9.9.2024
  Dried Frog Pills AX 133    Steve Gunnell  
  128.74  80  Q4 -> Newtish Stone / Imp
  Magenta Trefoil axmb    Steve Gunnell  
  127.52  48  Custom switcher variable magenta components
  Dried Frog Pills AX 9    Steve Gunnell  
  125.98  104  Q4 -> Newtish Stone / Imp
  Arkenstone    John Metcalf  
  125.33  16  stone/imp, the heart of the lonely mountain
  Trefoil HX gxff    Steve Gunnell  
  124.67  22  p-space, Kenshin, a paper and a stone
  Fire and Brimstone    David Moore/Steve Gu  
  124.44  101  anti-imp scanner or stone with airbag / Replaced The Truth Is Out There II with Kenshin. / Modified in 2005 but never submitted anywhere.
  Aureole aayh    Steve Gunnell  
  123.64  5  Qscan -> Slap! paper and imp ring
  Rag 'n Bone Man B xmbb    Steve Gunnell  
  122.65  17  9 state switcher, Grimoire, Damage Inc and Hazy Lazy
  Bifoil A xeih    Steve Gunnell  
  122.59  6  4 state switcher, 2 magenta components
  Slayer    S.Fernandes  
  122.38  50  scanner
  Discord    John Metcalf  
  122.34  86  scanner
  Fatamorgana X    Zul Nadzri  
  9.50  7