[KOTH Standings Page]

[ - Current 94 Multiwarrior X Hill Standings - ]

Last battle concluded at : Mon Feb 10 20:15:01 UTC 2025
#  Warrior  AuthorScoreAge  Strategy
  Orchid    John Metcalf    5373  11  paper
  silence of the desert    John Metcalf    5373  94  
  Simplicity    John Metcalf    5373  28  silk-imps
  Nemesis    John Metcalf    5373  10  hydra/paper/imp
  U-Lat IV    Zul Nadzri    5373  96   splits 'n bombs
  Big Chainlock    G.Labarga    5373  42  Paper->imp
  Chiaroscuro    Anonymous    5373  69  
  Immortal    John Metcalf    5373  29  paper/imp
  Charybdis rjch    Steve Gunnell    5350  3  A code fragment of unknown provenance / Paper with a vortex launcher
  Octavo BX 3    Steve Gunnell    5350  7  8 process paper with a stone
  Luna AX mmrc    Steve Gunnell    5350  15  Evolved from Markov chains of opcodes and symbolic fields
  LazySilkStreamerV1    Skybuck Flying    5350  38  Lazy Silk streams up your ass.
  Marcia Trionfale Potenzia    Beppe Bezzi / Steve    5346  8  A solid silk, Timescape like, base / tuned for max scissors resistance / and some bombing add on / Tweaked and upcycled by Steve G / Added a stone
  Topic: Kill and Survive    Sheep    5346  160  
  Cloud    John Metcalf    5329  1  anti-imp hydra
  Double Sputnik    John Metcalf    5328  4  2 x paper with satellite / quick hack, untested
  Void Runner    John Metcalf    5327  2  stone/imp
  Silkworm .01    ZSEdwardson    5327  37  slightly modified silk
  For John Multi    Roy van Rijn    5302  35  
  Timorous Swordfish    Anonymous    5277  57  
  White Mist    John Metcalf    1574  0