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[ - Current 94 No Pspace Hill Standings - ]

Last battle concluded at : Tue Feb 11 11:42:15 UTC 2025
#  Warrior  AuthorW%L%T%ScoreAge  Strategy
  Starfire    John Metcalf  
  142.48  67  scanner
  Amphichroic Kouprey    Ken Espiritu  
  141.45  12  paper
  Nightstalker    John Metcalf  
  140.86  108  stone/imp
  Azathoth    John Metcalf  
  140.57  115  paper/stone, sleeping chaos
  Hades    John Metcalf  
  139.85  4  qscan -> paper with silk imps
  incubus    Christian Schmidt  
  138.72  635  qscan -> anti-imp paper + stone
  Despair    John Metcalf  
  138.53  184  qscan -> paper/stone
  Consequence kjlr    Steve Gunnell  
  138.34  8  variable slowqscan -> evolved oneshot / Elaborating a warrior created by the azure evolver
  Grimoire A wcrb    Steve Gunnell  
  137.41  82  It's all about summoning and dispelling imps / And proliferating, don't forget that. / With a JM QScan
  Tolypeutes    Roy van Rijn  
  137.41  214  submitted on 22/02/2022 🎂 / stone/imp / uses new qscan with 34 scan locations in 27 lines / all scan locations spaced >100 apart / based on Armadillo
  Togate Possum    Ken Espiritu  
  137.12  5  vamp
  Intermodal A ypsa    Steve Gunnell  
  133.20  99  A modern Freight Train / With a JM QScan
  HazyLazy B mqqj    Steve Gunnell  
  132.76  24  Short run scanner with decoy. / Based on The Machine.
  Dried Frog Pills A fpxe    Steve Gunnell  
  132.10  16  Q4 -> Newtish Stone / Imp
  Forgotten Lore II emzr    David Moore  
  130.08  126  Scanning vamp which multitasks between two forms of attack. / Tweaked and upcycled by Steve Gunnell.
  King Cobra    inversed  
  129.92  255  q^i -> Oneshot
  Dettol E gqjo    Steve Gunnell  
  129.79  136  No boot Oneshot.
  c/i Test    NDusN  
  127.56  7  d-clear + imp + the obvious thing / Update, not sure if any better
  Doom Horn the Sharp    lain  
  126.78  1  
  Alternating Raisins sieu    Steve Gunnell  
  126.42  2  Do a qscan then one of two semi evolved components / Based on shapeshifter
  Haze Weaver the Hunter    lain  
  105.05  0